Chapter 32: Don't yell at my boyfriend

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"Tine, please tell me that is not a naked Sarawat Guntithanon coming out of your closet. Why is Sarawat here?"

Tine's POV

"Well, he is not entirely naked. He seems to be covering all of his important parts with those boxers, so there's that..."

Sarawat was so unphased by the whole thing that it sort of made me unphased too. Of course, under normal circumstances I would definitely be panicking, but I had Sarawat with me. And contrary to what I initially thought, I wasn't afraid or sad about Sammy finding out about us. I was kind of happy that it was finally out in the open.

Sarawat got up from the ground, and extended his hand to greet Sammy. "It's good to see you again, Sammy. How have you been?"

"Keep your hand away from me, Guntithanon. I will not be shaking hands with you until you are fully clothed and you have washed those hands properly. God only knows what you guys have done inside this room"

"Very well then. But I really hope God doesn't what we did in this room." Sarawat smirked and I could tell it only irritated Sammy more.  But she didn't say anything back.

Instead, she was looking me and then back at Sarawat. Her brows getting more and more furrowed. "Oh god, I put you two together, didn't I? I made you two attend all those events together and now we are in this godforsaken situation?"

"Well.." Sarawat smiled. "I like to believe that Tine and I would have ended up together one way or the other."

I couldn't help but smile back at him. I would have kissed him right now if Sammy wasn't here. "Awww.. you seriously think that? I thought I was the only one who felt that."

"Ofcourse Tine. I'd fall for you anywhere and anytime in this world" 


"HEY!" I yelled back at Sammy. "Don't yell at my boyfriend like that!!"

"What — what boyfriend?" Sammy seemed shocked and it looked like her eyes could pop out of her skull at any point.

Sarawat, on the other hand, was smiling ear to ear. "I am sorry for interrupting. But, FUCK, Tine. I think that's the first time you have ever introduced me as your boyfriend to someone else. I didn't realise how amazing it would feel."

I shrugged. "Well, there wasn't really a point to pretending anymore."

"What? Boyfriend? So this isn't like a one-time thing? How long has this been going?" Sammy still looked utterly confused.

"Well, about that Sammy... "

"Fuck. Shit. God dammit. Stop talking you two. I really need to think for a minute. I feel like I aged 5 years in the last 5 minutes." Sammy closed her eyes, massaged her temples for a few seconds, and then finally looked up. "Okay, Okay. First things first. Sarawat wear your god damn clothes so Mil can take you out of this hotel without anyone seeing you. There are a lot of Thai reporters staying in the hotel and I don't want a controversy on my hands right now. But I better see you after the conference because I have a hell lot of non-disclosure agreements for you to sign"

Sarawat shrugged. "I'll do sign whatever Tine wants me to sign. But I can't stay, I need to leave for Bangkok. Let's meet again? May be we could have dinner together, Sammy?"

"Dinner, seriously? You think we should sit down like a happy family and have dinner?"

"Okay..." I finally spoke up to diffuse some tension. "Sammy, I will make him sign all the non-disclosures that you want when we get back home, as long as they are fair and don't breach his privacy. But he really needs to leave for Bangkok today. How about you give us a few minutes alone so we can get dressed?"

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