Mama In The Office

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Hi everyone. Sorry for updating later than I said I would. My computer crashed and on top of that my family and I got really sick. Fortunately, we were negative for the coronavirus and just had a bad virus. Hopefully everyone likes the triple update. 

(Mia's POV)

Following the time we spent together on Halloween, Alexander and I did not see or talk with each other outside our usual Monday meetings due to having to catch up on work. Currently, it is  a little over two weeks away from Thanksgiving and this should be a normal Monday workday. The day started as normal waking at seven, took a quick shower, put on the clothes I set aside for the day, and did my daily morning routine before Alexander's driver picked me up at 7:30 so I could be at the Wilson International by 7:55. This gives me five minutes to greet Sarah the secretary and Thomas before  being at my desk at 8am on the dot.

For the next three hours Alexander and I worked quietly side by side on our individual tasks until we heard a loud disturbance coming closer.

(In her head)-I wonder what that ruckus is all about?

As I pondered those words I heard Thomas arguing with a familiar female voice.

Thomas pleas-Madam, please stop, Mr. Wilson does not want you here on Monday's especially without warning. 

The woman-I am his mother and well aware that he has no meetings today except Mia. However, this meeting is long overdue for me to talk to her and my son, now out of my way. 

Glancing up from my desk towards Alexander, I sensed a flash of panic before Sofia barges into the office with Thomas on her heels. After a quick scan I see that Sofia has not changed much in the past seven years. The only difference is a few grey hairs that contrast her long dark brown hair and a couple of wrinkles on her face. She still looks at least ten years younger than her late 50s. 

Upon immediately entering the office, Thomas speaks quickly-Sir, I beg your pardon but I tried to hold her back or warn you, but Sarah did not give me enough notice before your mother was rushing the corridor to head into your office and by then there was no chance of stopping her.

His words put a funny image in her head as she can clearly see in her mind, Sofia marches into the building like she owns the place with her orange long dress, brown fur coat and hat, and rather large leather purse and no one would be able to stop her from reaching her destination.

Alexander exasperated says-Nothing we can do about it now. Thomas, you can leave and head back to your work, but beforehand see if my mother would like any refreshments. 

Before leaving Thomas asks, Sofia-Is there anything I can fetch for you? Drink? Food?

Sofia smiles-No, thank you, Thomas. I just came by to have a quick chat before heading out and meeting with a friend. 

Sensing the mounting tension in the room, Thomas quickly exits and shuts the office door behind him.

For a minute after he leaves the three of them just look at each other. 

A moment later Sofia makes the first move and rushes at Mia to hug her-Mia! My dear girl.

She quickly enfolded into her arms for a long motherly hug. A few minutes later, they break apart, but they are still within arms reach. Both of them have tears in their eyes from the long time apart.

Many feelings come over her as she has no clue what to say to the woman who was like a mother to her who she block out of her life for a few years-Sofia, I have no clue what to say...

Sofia smiles at her with motherly pride-Well, I do. First, let me apologize for what my son has put you through. His father and I while we can understand his reasoning disapproved of how he went about it. We did not talk to him for weeks afterwards. Secondly, I want to say that we are so proud of the woman you have become. While we hope Alexander and you get back together one day, nevertheless we still care about you even if you do not get back together with our son. 

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