Friendsgiving Dinner

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(Mia's POV)

We entered the dining room where there was a large dining room table. Alexander's parents took their seats at the head of the table. Harrison and his family took their seats at the other end. Dean and Sarah sat in the middle. Leaving Alexander and I sat next to each other. At least I can sit next to Sarah and Alexander can sit next to his father. 

Always the gentlemen, Alexander pulled the chair out for me and once I sat down pushed it back in. 

The table contained the stereotypical Thanksgiving foods of turkey, stuffing, bread, etc. Additionally, the table also contained Russian cuisine. My favorite is Sofia's beef pelmeni, which she makes special for me by not having any vegetables in it. There is also pirozhki and borscht on the table.

Once we all sat down at the table, Maxim addressed all of us-I know we are all hungry, but let us join hands to bless the food so we can eat.

After we all joined hands, he continues and we all repeat after him-Bless us Oh Lord, and these thy gifts, which we are about to receive, from thy bounty, through Christ, Our Lord. Amen.

During the prayer I softly laugh at the memories that prayer brought up.

Nakimera seeing me laugh says-What are you laughing about?

As the entire table looks at me I blush madly before saying-The prayer reminds me of an embarrassing moment I had when I was your age. Since it is Thanksgiving and a time to share memories with the people you are with I will tell the story. I barely remember this, but my father wrote it in his journal since he thought I would one day want to remember. When I was in kindergarten my great-grandmother passed away. It was my first wake/funeral. The pastor asked if anyone had a prayer they would like to say over her. I decided I would say one. During this time I went to a private school kindergarten and we would say this prayer every day. So this one was the first one to come to mind. So I am saying a blessing for the food prayer over my great-grandmother body. The older people at the funeral and others looked shocked and horrified at me saying this prayer. Luckily, my parents thought it was funny and I was not in trouble for it. My father wrote that he thought my great-grandmother would have loved it.

The table burst out laughing at the story.

Harrison says-That was adorable. Fortunately, no one close to us has died so we have not experienced taking Nakimera to any funerals. 

Sofia says-It is the thought that counts and I agree with your father for once with believing that she would have liked it.

Once the table grew silent, Maxim claps his hands and says-Let's dig in.

For a few minutes there is no talking except asking for the passing of the main dinner plates. For my plate, I just have the beef pelmeni and some bread. Once everyone's plate was full, Sofia spoke - Before we eat, how about we go around the table and say what we are grateful for. I will start.

She continues-I am grateful for my family and our good health this year. However I am most grateful for Mia being back in our lives. I know that Alexander and you are not in a romantic relationship at the moment, but a mother always worries about her children. I have always seen you as the daughter I never have regardless of you being with my son or not. 

Maxim wholeheartedly agrees saying-That goes for me as well. 

Blinking back tears at the sign of their unconditional love all I can say aloud is thank you.

Under the table Alexander squeezes my hand in support.

Harrison begins-I am grateful for my family and my job.

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