••23•• Jobs

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"DING DING DING DING" My clock ringer blasted into my eardrums, I look at the time.

10:38 AM

Crap, I'm late I'm late! Ten minutes late!

I jumped out of bed and ran into the tiny bathroom. After getting ready, I chose to do make up and picked a white flowy tank with black leggings I could find in my dinky walk in closet.

I ran out of my apartment, putting on my old black toms, while locking the door behind me.

I quickly walked to the elevator then to my car.

Then I drove to the Starbucks.


"Your late. Ms.Haley, why would you like to apply to work here?" Tasha, the manager sat down in front of me in her tiny office.

"Well, I'm planning to save up to go to university, and others for probably a vacation, or just for living." I answered clearly.

"Very well. So I checked your files and information, very good and congrats on your graduation. Your hired."

I cracked a smile. Tasha sit ups and leaves the room. And leave the room as she hands me a Starbucks green apron with a name tag: Gisselle.

"You'll start working tomorrow at 8 AM!" Tasha yelled as I open the door to leave.

I walked back to my car, letting out a deep breath.

I drove back to my apartment. I sat on the couch as I opened my Windows laptop.

I typed

Stanford California University

And clicked on the "APPLICATION" link, as I filled it in, I slowly multitask by watching Doctor Who in marathons.

"Sent!" I yelled in happiness, as I raised my hands to the air, crossing my fingers at the same time.

I closed the laptop cover and continued watching Doctor Who and The Walking Dead on Netflix.

Good day, good day.

I smiled in happiness and exhaustion.


A/N: holy crap lol. People who read, vote and comment are awesome. Keep it up! 6 more chapters!

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happy reading! -K

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