Levi X Pianoist! Sad! Reader

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My family for generations have been gifted with an amazing music playing ability.
My mother was gifted with the piano, she was trained by her mother, to become a good player to play for the people in wall Sina but she never got to experience playing in front of people like my dad did when she had me. Speaking of my father, my father was gifted with the violin. He'd play so many beautiful pieces from history or what he created himself. He's known by many people who lived in the walls of, Wall Sina because how beautifully he plays.

When growing up I was classically trained by my mother to be a great pianist like her. She taught me how to play songs and create my own. At a young age I was known to be the best piano player throughout the walls.

But it all ended too soon. My mother died when I turned 13. She wasn't just a house wife she also in the Scout Regiment. During they're last expedition she was killed, eaten alive by those monsters.

My father was in pieces, cause of the loss of his wife. He lost his passion to keep going on so he stopped playing the violin. Ever since he stopped playing he didn't get paid like he use to when playing for people in wall Sina. He was working in the fields, but it's become over the edge for him. He soon was overwhelm with the taxes and taking care of me, he was so stressed out he died of a heart attack.

This when I was 15, everything was slipped away from me. My mother and my father both loved me very much but then were taken away from me too early. I didn't even have them long enough for me to be an adult, I was only 15.

Now all I can do is cry when I ever hear a violin or the piano playing. It reminded me too much of my parents I had to get away. I joined the cadet boot camp a few years later. I wanted to follow in my mothers foot steps, to fight those titans and to become free from these monsters that keep us in these walls.

After I graduated from the cadet camp, I joined the Scout Regiment where I met a man that stole my heart.

Despite this cleaning issue he has an abrasive and unapproachable personality. He rarely shows emotion and often has a cold expression. His manner of speaking is rarely polite, and he often makes alienating comments that are coarse or inappropriate. His dark brand of humor, always delivered in deadpan, ranges from rude to outright vulgar. He tends to phrase things in a brash and insulting manner. This often unsettles people and makes him difficult to be around. But somehow it attracted me to him and I fell in love.

His name is Levi.

I've been happy when I first fell in love with him, soon later I found out he's had the same feelings for me and we've been together since. 2 years we've stuck together.

But now... it's different.

It's been over a month since Levi and I broke up, and it's been hell for me,

I was torn apart, I was hurt, I haven't felt this way since my parents died. I'm depressed, all I want to do is cry. Being with Levi was the only time I felt happy in life again. But it all ended because of a stupid fight.

It started out with talking about the expedition a month ago, we talked about it, then it turned into a speech, then to us calling each other names then ended with Levi saying these word to me and walked out.

Since then we haven't talked, not once.

So that's when I began growing depressed and sad. I lay in my room crying, the pain could only be faded by crying to myself. Then that's when I thought about playing the piano. I remembered what my mother said to me,

"(Y/n), music can help you express what you feel in the inside, it allows everyone to know how you feel. Playing the piano is one of the greatest things to play because it can make so many different key sounds, for how you feel when you play. It's one of the stress relievers that'll help whenever you sad, angry, anything basically."

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