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In The Hospital.....
                   Hazel's POV...
I woke up in the hospital the next day.I opened my eyes somehow but I wasn't able to move my body.
After opening my eyes I saw a boy and a doctor standing close to me and staring at me.
I wanted to get up but then the doctor said that i shouldn't because i was suppose to relax and he also said that  I was brought here in a very bad condition .
He told me that I had a few broken bones and a head injury.
I was in shook when he told me the whole situation.
I finally asked him "Does my father know about this"he said"No ,because we wanted to first wake you up and than let your father know about your condition..."I was so scared than i said "no don't tell him I'll be fine no need to call him he will be worried about me for no reason .It will take a few days and I'll be fine"
  Then the doctor asked me if i was sure about not telling him .
I said "I AM SO SURE....Don't tell him."
After my conversation was over with the doctor i looked at this boy who was standing a little away from me.He looked like he has cried so much his eyes were so red and glossy.
I asked him who he was.He said"I am Ivan and I am the one who is responsible for your condition.look I am so sorry my car brakes were not working at that time I didn't mean to hit you I am so sor...."I cut him off by saying "It's okay it is not your fault.It was meant to happen and I will be perfectly fine in a few don't worry..."
He said "I feel so bad please let me know if you want some sort of help.I'll be here.."I nodded and he smiled...
Then the doctor told me to rest and sleep ...
Seriously my whole body was numb and i didn't feel any kind of pain...
I asked the doctor out of ceriosity that why I wasn't feeling any type of pain.
He said "oh you will feel pain when the effect of medicine will be over."
He then got out of my room and i slept....
The next day I woke up because i was in so much pain . The nurse was changed my bandages i asked her when can i go home . She said that you should ask from the doctor.
And right after she finished talking the doctor and the boy came in.
The doctor said "how are you feeling today?"i said "i feel so much pain" he then said "you will be fine in no time it is gonna be over you qill feel better in a few minutes"
About an hour later...
I was finally feeling better and was gonna call the nurse to help me because i wanted to use the bathroom.I looked here and there then i saw ivan laying on the couch.he was sleeping .I woke him up and told him that i wanted to go to the bathroom so can he call someone to help me..
He said "I can help you if that's ok with you?"He came close to me rubbing his eyes .Than he helped me and i got up .I was about to fall because i felt a bit dizzy.He held my hand and helped me my way to the bathroom.
Ivan's Pov...
I felt so bad about what i did to her. Ofcourse i didn't mean to I hope she forgives me...
She is so kind i think she will forgive me and maybe we can become friends in the coming future....
So many thoughts crossed my mind..
Then she came out from the bathroom. She was smiling at me she said that i didn't had to do any of this and by this she meant i didn't had to stay the night.
I helped her getting back to her bed.I stood there for a while and we both smiled ath each other....
In the mean time the doctor came in and he said that now she is better so she can go home.
He said to Hazel "who should we call  Hazel ..who will sign the paper and who will take care of you"
Hazel said "I will do it myself and i will came my assistant she will help me out"
An idea came to my mind and i said "Hazel can come home with me because my family and i will take care of her .then i looked at Hazel and said this way I can make you forgive me..."
Hazel smiled and said "But i already forgave you and trust me i can take care of my self"
It took me alot of time to convince her but nevermind i did convinced her to go with me and she said ok
I then talked to the doctor about the discharge thing and than signed the papers.
We made our way to my car and I opened the door for her so she can sit in the car.
It was a 20 minute drive from my house.
While the car ride she didn't say anything but she kept looking out of the window and was lost in her own thoughts....
We reached home and i opened the door for her so we can go inside the house ...
I rang the door bell and Emileo opened the door for us .
We walked in and Emileo opened the door for us .I already told him about everything that happened so he knew about the situation...
Hazel finally spoke up she said"you didn't have to do this i can take care of my self..."
I then said please let me take care of you .and it's the least I can do for you right now......

Chapter #4 coming soon...❤❤

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