Christmas Eve

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It was now Christmas Eve and Wilbur and Tommy were giving everyone blue to make them feel better about the first Christmas without their friends. I mean he was still going to be there but it would be so quiet. They miss the old loud goofy Tommy that made everyone laugh.

Tommy ran out of blue so he went off to look at the tree. The tree looking it's best for the day to come. The bottom littered with gifts some poorly wrapped while others seemed perfect.

Tommy has slowly been getting duller by the day. His musty purple hair is becoming a more dirty grey. His eyes are now becoming a whiteish grey. He looks as if someone told him his tree disappeared. But the only people who really noticed were Wilbur and Shlatt. They would now constantly check on him. They would always see him floating aimlessly with his knees to his chest.

What really hurt was that no one else noticed. They didn't care for when he went missing for hours on end or when tears were streaming down his face. Almost as if he weren't there at all.

He looked towards the direction his 'vacation home' was and decided to go there. Why? He didn't know something just told him to go.

When he got there he saw someone at his tent. When he got closer he saw it was techno. Tommy floated over and sat next to him. "Hey Tommy" techno sighed with Tommy nodding showing that he was listening. That's one thing Tommy became very good at. Listening. I mean all he could do was listen. So that's what he did. Listen.

"Y'know you worry us Tommy. We can tell your getting duller. Please do something when something bothers you. You're my brother and I don't want to lose you again."

That was the last straw. Tommy let it all out. His tears made him hiccup. But he never made a sound. That's when techno realized something.

Tommy lost his thing that made him well him. He lost his voice, his personality, his spark . The thing that made him go. He lost all hope.

Wilbur lost his way with words he was so hesitant to say certain things or to blunt he lost his grasp on reality no longer seeing thing as they were but seeing them as they aren't.

Shlatt lost his power to present him self. No longer being able to move people by actions or words. That's what he did to win and he lost it in after life.

And one thing that they all had in common was that they lost the thing they gave up on right before death.


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