chapter 8. the holocron.

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Mid 21 BBY. 14 years old.

"Arlo! Ahsoka! Where are you?" Obi-Wan asks through my comlink. Instead of responding, I continue to concentrate on blocking blasts beside Ahsoka. "Arlo! What is your location?"

I grumble slightly to myself as I hold my arm up to my mouth to respond. "About 6 klicks east, Master. We've engaged the enemy, and we've got them on the run."

"They're here to extract us," Obi-Wan says. "We're leaving."

"But Master—"

I'm cut off by Ahsoka. "What? Wha... we can't retreat now, Master!" she yells. "We've broken through! The droids are retreating."

"We're outnumbered. You must evacuate. And that is an order!" he demands.

"Master Skywalker taught me never to let up when the tinnies are on the run," Ahsoka states.

"They are running back here to regroup with the main force!" Obi-Wan tells her.

"Ahsoka, if that's true, we've gotta go," I say.

"You are putting your troops' lives in danger, young one. You all will get on the gunship when we arrive," Obi-Wan scolds

"Where's Ahsoka and Arlo?" I faintly hear Anakin ask.

"Following you teachings." I can hear the exasperation dripping from Obi-Wan's voice.

"...Are they winning?"

"For now." He hangs up the call as I continue to focus on the droids shooting at us.

"I want to stay and fight as much as you do, Soka, but I think it'd be wise to do as Master Obi-Wan says right now," I tell her.

"We can't just give up!"

"We're not! If we stay, we're screwed, Ahsoka. We're not invincible!"

"Not if you say we aren't," she says with a small smirk. Our transport flies above us.

"Ahsoka, come on, let's go!"

"We're not done yet!"

"Apparently we are!" I exclaim as the transport lands in front of us. "Seriously, let's bounce!" I jump down the blockade we stop atop and run to the transport and begin blocking blaster fire next to Obi-Wan.

"Thank the maker you actually listened to me," he sighs.

"Surprised, Master?"

"You've always got something to argue about, Sparky, of course I am," he jokes with a smirk.

Anakin, on the other hand, finally lures an angry Ahsoka into the ship as we fly away. I turn off my lightsaber, and Obi-Wan does the same. We watch as the structure we were just on moments ago explode, and Ahsoka gives a sorry look to Anakin. I gaze out at the once beautiful Felucian terrain, now destroyed by our war.

I lay on my stomach on the hard floor of my quarters at the Jedi Temple, making up an essay for my Force Theory class that I missed during the mission on Felucia. A knock sounds at my door, followed by Obi-Wan opening it, Anakin close behind him. They let themselves in.

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