chapter 18. bounty hunters.

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"Master Skywalker and Master Kenobi were supposed to be back hours ago," Ahsoka groans. I sit on the couch in her quarters while she lays on her bed. "I never really asked, how was Mandalore?"

"It was... interesting, to say the least. But now I have a bunch of make-up work for Force Theory."

"Can't Master Obi-Wan get you out of doing it? That's what Skyguy does for me, I barely ever have to make anything up."

"He wouldn't even dream of it. One time, he was gonna get me out of writing an essay, but then he read it over and ended up making me finish it because he thought it was good."

"Oh, no."

"Oh, yes. At least he helps me with my work, though."

"Well that's good." 

Suddenly, Anakin barges into the room. "Heya, Snips!" He peeks his head out the door. "Hey Obi-Wan! Arlo's in here!"  

Obi-Wan sighs as he enters the room beside Anakin. "I'm assuming you finished your make-up work, then?" he asks as he raises his eyebrows at me. 

"...Yes?" I lie. 

He crosses his arms and rolls his eyes. "Well, you got lucky this time. Come along, you two." We stand up and exit the room with them. "We lost contact with the medical station orbiting Felucia. We've been sent to investigate."

"That's Felucia, dead ahead," Anakin says as we exit hyperspace. 

"But where's the medical station?" Ahsoka asks. "I don't see anything on my scanners." It begins to beep. "Wait, there's something."

I peer out the window from behind Ahsoka. "Uh... that's no medical station," I say as a bunch of vulture droids pop out of the shuttle. 

"Vulture droids," Ahsoka sneers. 

"Hang on," Anakin tells us as he speeds up our ship. The droids begin blasting at us, but Anakin dodges them. 

"I guess we know what happened to the medical station," Obi-Wan says. Suddenly, our ship is hit. "That's not good!" 

"Way to state the obvious," I mutter as I hold on the edge of my seat. 

"They took out the plasma conduit," Ahsoka tells us as we enter the atmosphere. 

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" Anakin asks us. 

"Almost certainly not!" Obi-Wan says as the four of us strap the life support masks to our heads. 

"Looks like we're doing this the hard way," Anakin tells us. "Starting ejection sequence!"

"How come every time you fly, we crash?" Ahsoka questions. 

"It's not my fault, it's the ship!" he defends. 

"That's what they all say," I mutter. 

"Ready to eject," Ahsoka says. Our ship nears the top of a cliff. 

"Wait... now!" Anakin shouts. We pull the levers on the sides of our chairs and fall towards the surface as our ship crashes into the side of the cliff. The pods bounce around, and I begin to slightly worry that we won't all land in the same place, but then I begin to laugh. It's kinda fun, and I know for a fact that Obi-Wan hates it. I begin to feel dizzy as the pod comes to a stop and opens. I take my life support off and hop out while laughing and trying to run over to Obi-Wan, but tripping and almost falling in the process.

"You alright there, Master?" I ask as he catches me and holds me back upright.

"I'm fine, Arlo," he says miserably.

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