The one with the acceptance letter

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Okay, you're probably wondering 'what is going on right now' so let me explain a little. My Name is Elissabeth Potter, yes you heard that right Potter, I am Harry Potter's sister. ' How is that possible?' you're thinking. Well Lily and James Potter had a boy...and a girl, Harry got to stay with Mom and Dad while I was sent to live with my aunt, Andromeda Tonks. She is Sirius Blacks cousin, at least that's what everyone tells me. I always knew about magic in fact I grew up with it but I never knew I was a wizard. I never knew about Hogwarts and I never knew about Harry. I thought I was an only child. But when I was eleven I learned otherwise.

"Elissabeth come here for a minute" Auntie Andromeda says from the kitchen

"Coming auntie" I say coming down the stairs.

I walk into the parlor with Auntie Andromeda and sit down at the table

"Something came in the post for you today my dear" She says

"Really?" I ask in disbelief as I open the letter

"Dear Ms.Potter

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.

Students shall be required to report to the chamber of reception upon arrival. The dates for which shall be advised. Please insure that the utmost attention be made to the list of requirements attached herewith

The term begins on 1 september. We await your owl by no later than 31 july

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall, deputy headmistress"

"What's Hogwarts?" I ask

"Hogwarts, My love, Is a special School for people like you" Auntie says

"What do you mean?" I ask confused

"You're a wizard Lissy" Auntie Andromeda

"I'm a what?" I ask

"You're a wizard. And I think it's time you knew about Harry too" she says

"I went to visit cousin Sirius. He explained a little bit but, it still doesn't make a hole lot of sense" I say thinking about my trip

"Lisabeth darling so good to see you"

"How's it going in here?"

"Well it's azkaban darling. Nothing too exciting.Have you gotten your letter yet?"

"No,not yet.but I found some papers in the attic. Who's Harry? "

"Well he's your brother. When Lily and James died, Harry went to live with Your Mum's sister in the muggle world. You were to be raised around magic and when the time came you would learn the truth"

"The truth about what?"

"The truth about your parents and how they died" 

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