Chapter 12: Unexpected Visit

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Cheryl's POV

I held Toni while she slept in my arms. It took me a while to get her to sleep as she was very anxious. She was always terrified of airplanes. Her parents at over in the seats a few paces forward from us. I caressed her hair, kissing her forehead softly. My poor girl has been through so much and her parents weren't even there to witness the strong and independent woman she is today.

Mr. Topaz cleared his throat, making me look up at him. "We just want to thank you for, Ya know, making sure Toni was okay while we were absent."

I rolled my eyes, "Call it what you want, and I don't mean this in any way disrespectful, but... Absence isn't the word. You were gone. Toni only had me and me only to rely on. I was there through those nights where she sobbed nights on end because she didn't have anyone to lean on. She had to pick colleges by herself while I had parents who helped me with that. She had to sleep in an empty home with no love while I had a family who I'd get to hear snore and sleep soundly. She just had silence and darkness. I may have been there, but I wasn't there for her birth. I was there for her first diaper change, I wasn't there for her first word. You two were. I just want you to realize how great, Toni is." I finished. They looked at me with sorrow and guilt in their eyes.

"I know, I know. We're going to make it up to her. Toni deserved amazing parents, but I'm glad she has you now and then. You shaped her into an amazing young woman." Mrs. Topaz spoke.

"Damn right I did. Toni would've been a drinking alcoholic right now if she didn't have me." I said. Just before they could say anything, the pilot started speaking.

"This is your pilot speaking, we are about to land in London, England." He said before cutting the line.

"Babe.." I whispered. "Baby, We are about to land," I said, rubbing her back. Toni groaned as she sat up, stretching her arms up in the air.

"How long was I out for?" She mumbled, putting her seat belt on. "The whole ride. After I sang you to sleep, you we're out." I chuckled. Toni smiled, laying her head on my shoulder.

Toni's POV

"Hey, Grandpa," I whispered, walking over to his bed. He looked so fragile and broken.

"Oh, Toni!" He wheezed, "My-my butterfly. L-look at you." He tried to smile but a cough took over. I frowned, a tear rolling down my cheek.

"Grandpa, Why didn't you tell me you were sick?" I asked, tears now sticking to my face.

He wheezes before speaking, "I-I couldn't have you worrying, T-T-" He coughs.

"Take your time, grandpa. It's okay, I get it." I said, holding his hand. He nodded, staring up at me. He reached up, slowly caressing my face.

"I love you, Anty." He whispered. I let out a sob as I bit my lip to keep from crying too loud.

"I love you, Grandpa. So much." I said with a shaky breath. He gave me weak smile. "Is C-Cheryl here?" He asked.

I nodded, looking out the window at my fianceé. I nodded for her to enter, she got up and came into the room. "Hey, Owen," Cheryl whispered, standing beside me.

"Cheryl, dear. Y-You've grown beautifully." He wheezes. "Thank you." Cheryl smiled.

"I need you to take care of our girl-girl h-here okay?" He coughed. I shook my head, tears spilling, "Don't speak like that, Grandpa." I said.

"It's okay, Anty. I-I- It's time." He said as if he has accepted it. I let out a sob, "Grandpa, No!" I cried.

"I love you, Anty. A-Always remember. Y-You got here-here on... Time." He said, a cough falling from his mouth. "I guess I- I was-wasn't as strong as I promised-huh?" He chuckled weakly. A small smile raised on Cheryl and I's faces.

"I love you, Grandpa," I spoke. "I love you, Girls, too. I'm g-glad I g-got to witness y-you girls grow up." He smiled weakly.

The nurse knocked on the door, "It's time to go. Parents have to also visit." She spoke sympathetically. I nodded, turning back to my grandfather.

I kissed his cheek, smiling weakly at him. Before turning away because if I was to say anything else, I'd break down. Soon after me, Cheryl walked out.

She gave me a watery smile, pulling me into a hug as I sobbed into her chest.


Back at Cheryl's family house, I sat in the bath. Just staring into space. "TT?" Cheryl whispered making me turn to face her. "Feeling better?" She inquired softly as she sat on the toilet lid.

"I don't know, " I mumbled, looking at the water. Cheryl frowned, coming over to the tub, she kissing my temple. I gave her a small smile, "I'll be in the bedroom if you need me, kay?" She said.

I nodded, pecking her lips. I think if I have Cheryl, I will be okay.

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