Chapter 13: Wedding Day

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2 months Later

Toni looks at herself in the mirror, a smile on her face. "You look Beautiful, Toni." Her father smiled as he tried to keep his tears at bay. "Dad, " Toni warned, "No crying because crying equals messed up makeup."

He sighed, "I know, but wow. I can't believe you're getting married!" Toni nodded, agreeing with him, "It's always been a dream to get married. And to Cheryl, a blessing."

He smiled at his daughter as his wife entered the room. "She's ready. And she looks drop-dead gorgeous." Toni nodded, letting out a shaky breath.

"I'm super nervous..." She said, playing with her hands. Her mother put her hand on her shoulder, "Don't be, Cheryl is going to love this." She gave her an encouraging smile. Over the past two months, Toni and her parents have been getting to know each other better. It made Cheryl happy to see her fianceé with her parents after forever.

"Okay, I'm ready." Toni declared, letting her father link their arms together.


"We are gathered here today to celebrate the love, beauty, and Grace between Cheryl Marjorie Blossom and Antoinette Oliva Topaz." The minister said, "You all may be seated." He added.

Once everyone was in the seat, He smiled between the two women who were staring deeply into each other eyes, "You two may state your vows." He nodded.

Cheryl cleared her throat, smiling at Toni, "We've been Best friends since kindergarten. And I couldn't ask for a better partner, best friend, and lover. I can't believe we are here today, I can't believe I got the courage to tell you how in love with you I was, and each day my love grows more and more. I can't want to grow old with you, have children with you. You are the best thing that happened to me, and every day I thank God. I love you so much, and I'll love you more each day." Cheryl Vowed. Everyone erupted into coos while Veronica wiped some tears.

Toni wiped her eyes, "I don't even know where to start, I feel very anxious right now." Toni chuckled, "Cher, you make my life so much better. There is never a morning I don't want up smiling. You are my reason to live, my reason to breathe, and my reason to smile. And I don't want that to ever stop. I love you, Cheryl Marjorie Blossom. And I don't think I will be able to stop." Toni said through her tears.

"Amazing, very well said, Ladies." He smiled, "Now the rings." He nodded at Fangs who gave him the rings.

"Antoinette Oliva Topaz, Do you take Cheryl Marjorie Blossom to be your wife, to have and to hold, through rich and poor, and in sickness and in health?" He asked.

"I do, " Toni said, letting out a shaky breath. Cheryl caressed her hands as a way to calm her down before letting Toni slid the ring down her finger.

"Cheryl Marjorie Blossom, Do you take Antoinette Oliva Topaz to be your wife, to have and to hold, through rich and poor, and in sickness and in health?" He asked.

"I do." Cheryl nodded, sliding Toni's ring on her finger.

"Antoinette, You may kiss your bride!" He cheered. "Don't mind if I do," Toni smirked, pulling Cheryl into a passionate kiss.

Everyone cheered, clapping happily as they stood up. Toni pulled away, leaning her forehead against her wife's. Her wife. Cheryl was her wife now.

"I love you, TT," Cheryl whispered. Toni smiled, packing her lips once more before whispering back, "I love you more."

Cheryl's POV

"Toast to Cheryl and Toni on getting married!" Jason cheered. "To Cheryl and Toni!" They cheered.

I smiled, leaning my head on Toni's as she hummed to me. We sat at our table, surrounded by our family. Jason had Jordan on his lap, and my father had Emily on his lap as she slept soundly.

"You look so beautiful in that dress," Toni whispered, kissing below my ear. I smiled, pecking her lips.

"Okay, Love birds! It's time for the newlyweds to have their first dance!" Kevin spoke into the mic. I smiled as Toni stood up and helped me up.

The instrumental version of 'Say you won't let go' By James Arthur started playing as Toni brought me closer. She held me by my waist gently as I rested my head in the crook of her neck.

'Just say you won't let go...' Toni hummed, pulling me in tighter. I giggled as Toni twirled me around before bringing me back into her embrace. Soon other people starting joining us on the dance floor.

"Time to cut the cake! Everyone over there!" Jason said, making everyone cheer and rush over to the table with the cake. I lead Toni over to the table and Toni grabbed the huge knife from Kevin.

"First slice!" I giggled as Toni placed her hand on mine, I smiled at her as we started cutting the cake. "Congratulations, Cheryl and Toni!" Our family and friends surrounding us with nothing but love and care.

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