Chapter 24: Welcome To The World

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Cheryl's POV

I sighed as I laid in the hospital bed. "One thing I hate about this is the long-ass labor." I groaned. "But it's all worth it in the end," I added.

Toni chuckled, "Got that right." The nurse returned with a blanket and pillow for Toni. "Thank you," Toni said placing them on the couch cushion beside her.

Once the nurse left after checking up on me, I turned to my wife. "Jonah okay?" I asked knowing the boy hates when we aren't around.

"Yep. Jason said he's so excited for him to be here soon that he's not even worrying about us not being there." Toni divulged. I nodded, happy that he was doing okay.


Toni held my hand as I breathed heavily, "Cheryl, Once a contraction comes I need you to push, okay?" The nurse said.

"Y-Yes!" I groaned out as I squeezed Toni's hand tighter.

I pushed once I felt a contraction, the nurse kept encouraging me while Toni whispered sweet nothings in my ear.

"It's okay, Beautiful. Just push." Toni said, moving my sweaty hair out of my face.

"UGHHH!" I yelled as I pushed. "Almost there! His head is almost out!" She called.

Another contraction came so I pushed harder, "AHHHGH!" Soon the sound of a baby crying filled the room with a lot of happy laughs and cheers.

"You did an amazing job, sweetie." The nurse said as she placed the substances covered baby on my chest. He stopped crying once the nurse wrapped a blanket around him. "Hi, Little fella," Toni whispered, touching his head.

"Oh, your sisters and brothers are going to love you," I whispered as the small boy laid his head on my chest. Toni was sniffling as she wiped tears.

The nurse came back over so they could weigh him and prepare him. Toni left my side to cut the cord, the nurse came up to me, helping me get situated.


"Lucas Christopher Topaz, 6 pounds 3 ounces." The nurse announced.

"Almost the same as Jonah." I chuckled as we watched the nurse do the black ink. She pressed his tiny foot into the ink before pressing it on his birth certificate. Lucas started to cry, kicking his feet.

"Aww, he doesn't like it." The nurse pouted as she stopped since she was done anyway.

She wiped the ink off before swaddling the boy in a blanket. She picked him up gently and brought him over to me.

Toni watched as she gently laid in him my arms. The boy had a head full of hair. "Hey, Lucas," I whispered, fixing his little hat.

"Welcome to the world," I said as the boy cooed. "I can't wait until Nat, Jo, and Nomie meet him," Toni said as she gently held her hand under his tiny head.

"Let me get a picture." The nurse said. Toni handed her my phone so she could snap it. "Beautiful!" She smiled as she took the picture.

After talking some more with the nurse like when I can go home or how to breastfeed, the nurse left the room giving us some privacy.

"He is so quiet," Toni whispered watching the boy blink his eyes open and close. "He's fighting his sleep," I said, gently rocking him.

Soon after he was off to sleep. Toni and I smiled down at him as he cooed in his sleep, his little eyebrows moving as he got lost in his dreams. "I wonder what he's dreaming about?" Toni asked.

"Could be anything at this point." I chuckled.

"Lucas," I whispered. The boy relaxed his face letting a smile take over instead. "TT, he's smiling!" I whispered/yelled.

"He loves the sound of your voice, Cher," Toni whispered, kissing my hair.

"I love you," I whispered to the boy making his smile grow bigger.

This is the life.

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