Chapter 25: Triplets Meet Your Baby Brother

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Toni's POV

Cheryl dressed Lucas in the onesie we brought when we told the triplets about him. She put jean pants on him and a small little hat for his head.

"You are just so handsome," Cheryl whispered. Ever since he was born, he couldn't stop smiling at the sound of Cheryl or my voice. The nurse said he probably recognized it from when he was in the womb.

"Ready, baby?" I asked, picking up the bags. She nodded sitting in the wheelchair once she had Lucas swaddled in his blanket.

I placed both bags on my shoulders before pushing Cheryl out of the room. "Congratulations!" The nurses and doctors said as we rolled past them. We smiled at them and a nod as a thank you for helping us.

Once we made it to the parking lot, we quickly transitioned to the car before the paparazzi could arrive.

I looked in the rearview mirror at Cheryl who was breastfeeding Lucas.


"Did someone order a baby brother?!" I asked as Cheryl and I entered the house.

"Mommy! Momma!" They cheered running towards us. "Shh!" I quickly hushed them, pointing to Lucas who was sleeping in Cheryl's arms.

"He's here!" Jonah said excitedly. "Everyone on the couch." My wife said as she walked over to sit down.

"How are you feeling, Mommy?" Naomi asked. "I'm feeling good, Thanks for asking." Cheryl smiled, kissing her forehead.

"Now who wants to go first?" I asked, sitting on the arm of the couch. A bunch of 'Me' filled the room making me put my finger over my mouth to shush them.

Naomi was the quietest out of all of them so Cheryl gently placed Lucas in her arms. "Make sure you support his head." She whispered.

"Wow, " Naomi whispered before letting out a watery laugh, "He's so tiny."

Cheryl looked up at me with a smile, I mouthed "I love you" to her and she mouthed it back before blowing me a kiss.

I pretended to catch it and placed it on my lips. Cheryl smiled before looking back down at Naomi who was looking over her brother.

After Naomi, it was Natalia's turn. Cheryl gently laid the small boy down in her arms. "He's so light." She laughed quietly as she rocked him gently.

"He's only 6 pounds and 3 ounces." I divulged.

"Wow," Naomi said. Once Natalia had her turn, we let Jonah get his turn. The boy held his brother for the first time as he smiled down at him.

"Hi, I'm your big brother, Jonah." He said in a whisper.

"Awww." I cooed under my breath while Cheryl pouted at the cute moment.


"Guys, It's bedtime. You have school in the morning." I said as the three just watched their brother sleep.

"Just 5 more minutes please?!" Natalia begged. I frowned, "Sorry, guys but we got to put him to bed too. So come on, he'll be here in the morning."

"Okay, Momma." They pouted as they went upstairs to get ready for bed. I gently picked up Lucas, carrying him upstairs to Cheryl and I's bedroom.

We put a little side bed for him so we can keep an eye on him. I gently laid him down then got into bed with Cheryl.

I kissed her chin, nose, then forehead before letting sleep take over me.

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