Chapter 18: Home sweet Home

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3 Days Later
Cheryl's POV

I pulled on my shoes while Toni dressed Natalia. "What are we going to do with you, beautiful girl, huh?" Toni cooed at her. I smiled at them, I loved how Toni spoke to them.

Toni gently picked her up, bringing her over to me so I can place her in the car seat. Once the triplets were settled, Toni grabbed the baby bag and two car seats. I held Jonah's car seat as we exited the hospital.

"Congratulations!" The nurses and doctors clapped and cheered as we walk out. Paparazzi were outside once we made it. Thank God we put the babies' blankets over the car seat so the flashes won't bother them.

"Congratulations, Mrs. Topaz!" One said as Toni opened the door to our family car. I smiled and nodded as I locked the car seat in. Once we made sure they were good, Toni and I entered the car.

"Guys, If you could just back up a bit so I can pull off," Toni said to them through the rolled-down window.


"Home sweet home," Toni whispered as we carried the car seats in. "Welcome home, Guys." I smiled.

Toni took Jonah out of his car seat while I took the two girls out. "I see a lot of sleepless nights in our future, babe," I said, following Toni into the living area. Toni laughed lightly at my words, "I agree."

We sat down before placing the babies in their rockers. "I'll go make them bottles. I'll be right back." Toni said.

I nodded, looking over at Natalia who was starting up at me. "Hi, My beautiful girl!" I cooed excitedly. "Don't you have the most beautiful eyes?" I smiled, looking at her hold my finger. My heart melted as she tightened her grip.

Toni's POV

I warmed up the bottles for 10 seconds, after I took them out of the microwave I tested the temperature but putting some on my arm. Once I knew they were perfect I grabbed the three bottles with the triplet's name on them.

I walked back into the living room and I smiled at the sight of Cheryl talking to Natalia. "I love you." She said then gasped.

"What?" I asked as I walked over. "She smiled a little bit!" She giggled. I loved seeing her this happy, "I bet it was beautiful." I chuckled, handing her a bottle.

She nodded, taking Natalia out while I took Naomi out. Jonah was still sleeping so he probably won't eat until later. I put the bottle in the baby's mouth, "God how did I get so blessed?" I whispered standing up as I gently rocked the girl around.

I turned and looked at Cheryl who was smiling at us before she looked down at Natalia. Nothing could stop us from being happy in this beautiful moment.

No one's POV

Toni pecked Cheryl's lips before leaning down to kiss Cheryl's neck. But Cheryl stopped her before Toni could go any further.

"Babe? What's wrong? You didn't want to eat earlier, you refused to shower with me, Is everything okay?" Toni asked gently. Cheryl frowned, looking down, "I'm scared that after you see my body you won't want me anymore." She mumbled, sitting up and looking away from her wife.

"Oh, Cher, Baby. You are so beautiful, so beautiful. And yeah, you just gave birth to three babies! Your body has to process that before you can. It will go down, my love, don't ever think any less of yourself, you understand?" Toni asked as she held Cheryl's hands gently. "I love you so much, no matter what shape or size, you will always be my Cheryl, okay?" Toni added as she caressed Cheryl's cheek.

Cheryl sniffled as she nodded, and leaned forward to hug her wife, "I love you, " Cheryl whimpered into her neck.

"Always," Toni whispered, rubbing her back. She pulled away and kissed Cheryl's forehead, "Let's get some sleep. Everyone will be by here to see the triplets." Toni said, pulling Cheryl to lay down.

Cheryl nodded, laying her head on Toni's chest.

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