Chapter 22: Telling The Triplets

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3 weeks later
Cheryl's POV

"Okay, So welcome to your first ultrasound to your second pregnancy, are you excited?" The doctor asked Toni and me.

I nodded while Toni squeezed my hand tighter. "So let's get started, just roll your shirt up for me." She said. I did what I was told, wincing as the cold gel touched my stomach. Once she was done, she starting feeling around for the baby.

"Ahh, here they are. it's just one this time." She chuckled. Toni sighed, I smiled. I mean, having two or more is beyond a blessing, but I don't think Toni and I would be able to handle all of them.

"Everything seems to be great. You're about a month in a half along." She explained, typing something on the computer. Soon you heard the printer function as it spits out our ultrasound pictures. "You guys didn't have this last time." I chuckled while Toni wiped the gel off my stomach.

"No, Technology was the worst back then." She laughed, "Well, the next ultrasound is in a month from now, and you are allowed to bring the three little monkeys this time." She nodded.

"Awesome, I have a question though, " I spoke. She nodded for me to continue, "So we want to tell them today, is that safe or should we wait?" I asked.

"Oh no, You're fine. Just don't let them tell anyone else. It has to be a secret until you're out of the danger zone." She explained.

"Amazing, Thanks doctor May." Toni smiled. "Anytime, Ladies." She smiled.

Toni and I stopped at Target to get a baby's onesie, gender-neutral of course. "Oh, I like this one." Toni pointed to a white onesie that said 'Momma told me that I was born a rockstar.'

"Aww, Yeah, let's get that one. Now we need two more things." I said, walking down the aisle, I grabbed a bottle. "Definitely this one." I nodded.

Toni smiled, "Good idea, we can keep this stuff for when we need it." Toni said, grabbing a bib.

"Ready?" I asked, nodding toward the cashier. "Nervous to tell them, but let's go," Toni said.

They walked up to the cashier making the young girl lookup. She gasped, "No way, no way!" She spoke making Cheryl and Toni smiled.

"I-I'm such a huge fan!" She said to me, "Makeup has always been something I've been inspired to do since you made your pallet." She said. I chuckled, "Wow, thank you. It means a lot."

Toni handed her the stuff before taking out her credit card. The girl scanned the items without question before whispering a small, "Congratulations, " to us.

"Thank you, " Toni smiled before we waved and walked out.

Toni's POV

"Where are my little monkeys?!" I called once Cheryl set the target bag on the coffee table. Soon we heard feet thudding against the ground.

"Hey, Guys." Cheryl smiled, hugging Jonah. "What's wrong?" She asked, pointing to the clearly sad boy.

"He got scared because we were here alone. But I kept telling him that the security wasn't going to let anyone hurt us." Natalia shrugged. I gave Cheryl a sad smile while I went over to Jonah and sat the 10-year-old in my lap. "Hey, look at me, buddy," I whispered.

He turned to me, his eyes said. "Nothing is ever going to happen to you, okay? I know having fame isn't the best for a kid your age, trust me I know how hard it is. But no of us are going to be harmed. We have professionally trained guards, you three are taking karate lessons, We are safe." I told him. "Okay?" I asked.

"Okay, Momma." He nodded. I smiled, kissing his cheek, "Mommy and I have some very exciting news to tell you three!" I said, letting Jonah stand up.

"What is it?! Are we getting a dog?" Naomi asked. "No, They obviously booked Billie Eilish to perform at our birthday," Natalia said.

"Honey, No... None of those things, but the Billie Eilish thing, I'll see what I can do." Cheryl nodded.

"Yay!" Natalia squealed. "Okay, What is it?" Jonah asked.

I grabbed the target bag, pulling out the bib and giving it to Jonah, the bottle to Naomi, and the onesie to Natalia.

Naomi cleared her throat, "Um..." She looked at us, "I like it." She nodded. I chuckled while I rolled my eyes. Naomi was sweet, and she's never the type to hurt your feelings. She gets that from me.

"Well, I don't," Natalia said. On the other hand, her sister was a small Cheryl. "I think they're trying to tell us something," Jonah said, looking at the items we put in their hands. And Jonah was the observer. Something he gets from both of us.

"Okay, so we have a bib, bottle, and baby onesie." He said. You can see the gears in his head turning as he thought of what message we were trying to send.

"It's either Mommy is pregnant again or They brought these just for us to hold?" Jonah said, looking towards us.

"You got the first part right, Bud." I smiled. Natalia looked up, "Mommy's pregnant?!" She asked, her face lighting up.

"Mhm." Cheryl hummed with a nod. "YES!" Natalia screamed, hugging Cheryl.

"I want it to be a girl." Natalia nodded, "No, I want a boy." Naomi said, "Same here. It'll be good not being in a house full of girls." Jonah added.

"Are you happy?" I asked them. "Of course! Oh, the van we te-" Cheryl cut them off, "No, You can't tell anyone else. This has to be our secret until the doctor tells us we can, understood?" My red-haired wife asked.

"Yes, Mommy." They nodded. "Give me a hug!" Cheryl sighed. "Hey, I want in too!" I pouted, getting up to hug my family.

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