Chapter 28: Vacation Time!

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Cheryl's POV

I carried Amber as we boarded our private jet. "Wow..." Natalia whispered as she looked around.

"Looks good, right?" My wife chuckled, setting Lucas down. "It's so roomy!" Naomi said, sitting at the table.

"Yep, that's why it's called a private jet. You don't have to share." Toni said.

"This is going to be the best vacation ever!" Jonah cheered making all of us nod in agreement.

"When we get there we have to unpack since we're there for the summer," I said.

"Where are we staying?" Natalia asked, stopping Amber from grabbing the glass cup off the table. "We have a house out there." My wife said, wrapping her arms around me as she leaned on my back.

"Oh, Cool!" Jonah said.


I woke up to Amber climbing on my lap, squashing my cheeks. "Amb, What are you doing?" I groaned. I heard Natalia laugh, "We landed, Mom. You slept through the whole flight."

I sighed, stretching my muscles before holding Amber while I stood up. We got off the jet while our driver grabbed our bags. "Thanks," Toni said.

We drove up to the house, once we got in we assigned everyone to their rooms. "Mom, I can't sleep alone. I need Naomi in there with me." Natalia complained.

"That's why we had them move two beds into the room," I told her, opening the door.

"Wow." They whispered in awe. "Enjoy. We aren't really doing much today due to jet lag, so get some rest." I said.

They both nodded, placing their bags on the beds. I walked across the hall, knocking on Jonah's door. He opened it, "Hey, mom." He said, letting me in.

"You like it?" I asked, looking around. Those interior designers did an amazing job. "Yeah! It matches my vibe." He nodded.

"Glad you like it, Well, Get some rest until dinner. I know you're a bit tired from the flight." I said. He nodded.

Once I left his room, I entered Toni and I's room. Lucas and Amber were both asleep on the bed.

"Their room is down the hall," I said so she can move them later. She nodded, peck my lips. I smiled, wrapping my arms around her shoulders as I pulled her back in. Toni smiled against my lips, tilting her head to kiss me deeply. Amber started whinging from the bed, making us pull away and look at her.

I walked over to her, rubbing her back gently to soothed her back to sleep.

Jonah's bedroom

Natalia and Naomi bedroom

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Natalia and Naomi bedroom

Natalia and Naomi bedroom

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Day 3
Jonah's POV

I held Lucas's hand as our family walked along the beach trying to find the perfect spot.

"Here." Mom said, placing her towel down. We settled down on the stand. Momma put sunscreen on Amber while Natalia and Naomi put some on themselves. They didn't want a tan.

"I'm gonna go build a sandcastle," I said. "Wait up!" Natalia said as she and Naomi followed behind me.

Toni's POV

Cheryl and I watched as Jonah, Natalia, and Naomi walked away. "You think we'd be sad when they leave for college?" I asked my redheaded wife.

Lucas and Amber stayed on the iPad watching nursery rhymes. Cheryl turned to me, "Of course. They were our first-ever ticket to parenthood." She chuckled.

"Yeah. It's pretty sad just thinking about it." I sighed. "But we still have two more to raise; so don't get all sappy yet." She chuckles, kissing my cheek.

I ruffled Lucas's hair making him look at me with a smile, "We do." I nodded, linking our pinkies together.

Day 10
Cheryl's POV

"What movie?" Naomi asked as she strolled through Netflix on the theater screen.

"Let's watch the 'Secret Life Of pets'!" Lucas called out. "Okay, That sounds good." I nodded, sitting him on my lap.

We all cuddled up, watching the movie, sharing laughs and opinions.

After the movie, we all decided to go chill out in the pool.

I hold Amber against me as the girl splashed the water. Lucas had on his floaters while he and Jonah played with the ball Toni blew up.

Natalia and Naomi sat at the edge of the pool, dunking their feet in the water.

"Having fun?" Toni asked Amber who gave her a toothy grin. Toni took her from me so I could do my back floats.

Day 15
Natalia's POV

"There's a party on the deck tonight. You guys wanna go?" Momma asked us.

"Yeah, sounds good." I smiled my twins agreeing with me.


"Stay together, and please don't let his hand go," Momma said, pointing to Lucas.

"I won't," Jonah said, squeezing it. We walked over to the kid's bar, ordering Capri Suns for each of us.

"Let's go play a game!" Lucas said, pointing to the large games they had. "Cool, let's go," Jonah said, leading us over.

Once it was our turn, we play at the claw machine. I won a teddy bear, Jonah won some action figure he wanted, and Naomi and Lucas didn't want to play this game so we went over to the basketball one.

I stood Lucas on the game as he started shooting the balls in the hoop, "I'm gonna be you!" Jonah taunted him.

"No, you not!" He said, actually making one in the hoop.

"Good job, Bud!" I told him.

Day 30
Toni's POV

Tonight was our last night in the Bahamas since we were going to spend the rest of the summer home with our family.

"For the last night, we decided to have a campfire and eat s'mores," Cheryl said, starting the fire. "Sounds, cool." Naomi smiled as she and Natalia shared a blanket.

"So, what do you guys want to talk about?" I asked, holding Amber in her blanket.

Cheryl started on the s'mores. "I'm super nervous about my sophomore year," Naomi said.

"Why?" I asked, taking the s'more for Amber who happily bit into it. "Just scared that's all. It's my first time there." She shrugged.

"Well, If it does become too much, don't hesitate to talk to us, Okay?" Cheryl said, handing her a s'more.

"Okay." She nodded. "How about after this, we cuddle under the stars?!" I asked. "Yeah!" Lucas nodded. We all laugh at him while ruffled his hair.

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