Chapter 27: Merry Topaz Christmas

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3 months later
Jonah's POV

"Amber, Don't eat that!" I told my little sister. She gave me a teeth grin making my face soften. How can you say 'no' to that face?

"Don't fall for it, Jo," Momma said as she grabbed the holiday bulb from me. Lucas grabbed the star, "Momma I want to put the star up!" He said.

"Okay, Bud," Momma said. I picked up Amber as Mom, Nat, and Nomie stood around the tree while Momma helped Lucas put the star on.

"Yay!" We cheered when the tree lit up. "Let's go make cookies!" Natalia said, taking Amber from me and running into the kitchen, Lucas, Naomi, and Momma following behind her.

I stayed back with Mom, helping her put away any leftover holiday decorations. "How are doing, Mom?" I asked, closing the lid to the box.

"I'm doing fine. How are you?" She asked, looking at me.

"Trying my best." I nodded, "School huh?" She asked.

"Yeah." I sighed, "I have all the break to get caught up so after Christmas I'm locking myself in my room and doing exactly that." I said.

She smiled, ruffling my hair. "I can't believe your 14." She sighed, "I remember when you were so tiny." I smiled, "Was I really that small?" I asked.

"Mhm. Very yellow too." She said as we entered the kitchen to help make cookies.

"Ugh, Amber!" Momma groaned as the girl laughed, frosting all over her face. "Looks like Jonah has himself a mini-me." Mom chuckled.

I rolled my eyes, "I love my cookies!" I said, going over to the frosting.

Toni's POV

I hushed Cheryl gently as I closed the door to Amber's room. We finally got her down for bed after 2 hours of trying.

"Ready to wrap gifts?" I asked my wife. She nodded, kissing me passionately before pulling away, leaving me there stumped.

She smirked as she walked away, my eyes trailing down her body. "Get back here you!" I whispered, going after her.

She giggled quietly as I picked her up bridal styles, kissing her softly. I walked into the living room pulling away once I saw all the gifts we had to wrap.

"Ugh, Why did we have to have so many kids?" I asked, letting Cheryl down. She shrugged, "We better get wrapping if we want any alone time." She smirked.

I nodded instantly following behind her.


"Ahh! GET UP IT'S CHRISTMAS!" Lucas yelled while He and Amber climbed on me and Cheryl.

I sat up, letting out a huff, "One of the cons of Christmas morning." I mumbled. "Merry Christmas!" Jonah cheered.

"Merry Christmas, guys." I smiled as Cheryl and I got out of bed.

We all loaded downstairs into the living room. "Mommy! Santa ate all of our cookies!" Lucas said.

"Mhm, and they were good too," I said making Jonah, Nat, Naomi, and Cheryl glared at me. "Oh!- I mean, He told me when he came to drop off the gifts!" I saved.

Jonah rolled his eyes while Naomi rubbed my back to comfort me. I shrugged, going to sit on the couch with Amber and Cheryl.

"Blue is Jonah, Pink is Naomi, and Orange is Natalia," Cheryl spoke as they were confused about whose gift was whose.

"You got it!" Natalia smiled opening the pallet from Cheryl. "I mean, it was free because I own it." Cheryl chuckled.

"Thanks, Mom!" She said. "No problem, beautiful. Enjoy." Cheryl replied.

"Sick! Spiderman; Miles Morales!" Jonah cheered. Naomi opened a new iPad with a pen.

"So you do your art." I smiled. "Thanks, Momma! I love it." She smiled.

"Anytime, my love," I said, looking over at Lucas.

"What you got, Bud?" I asked. "Race Cars!" He cheered, showing me the hot wheels cars.

"And what's that?" I asked, pointing to the box. "It's shoes!" He said, taking them out.

I smiled, looking down at Amber who was biting on the Teether that Cheryl brought her.

"Looks like everyone is enjoying their gifts." I smiled. "I got you something." Cheryl said, pulling a box out from behind the couch, "Funny, because so did I." I smirked.

"Smoothed, Topaz." She said as we traded gifts. I ripped through the wrapping paper, smiling when I saw the new speaker.

"Lucas accidentally broke yours so I decided to get you a new one." She said. I leaned over pecking her lips twice before pulling away.

"Thank you, Baby." I said, "I love it, " I added. She opened hers and gasped, "I told you we'd go back someday." I chuckled as she pulled out the Brochures to the Bahamas.

"Guys! We're going to the Bahamas!" Cheryl told our children.

"Yay!" They cheered and we started talking among ourselves.

Nothing is better than spending Christmas with your family.

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