Chapter Thirty-Four

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Edward's POV

"What the hell are you talking about?" I stand up and join Harry. He has to be over exaggerating, I mean she is taking a while, but I'm sure any second now, Olivia is going to come out of those woods and everything is going to be just fine.

"She's missing! I called for her so many times and she wasn't answering me," he yells.

"Calm down, Harry." I pat his back. "There's like 15 of us. We'll all go into the woods and find her. She's probably just lost or something?"

"And that's supposed to make me feel better?" Harry frowns. "Whatever, can we please hurry up and go find her." He reaches down for a flash flight and Marcel and I follow behind him.

It's really dark and actually kind of cold out. The sounds of our feet stepping on twigs and rocks startles Harry at first. I laugh and begin to take the lead.

"What direction was she headed?" I ask.

"I don't know?" Harry shrugs. The rest of the group split up and went different in different directions to go and find Olivia. She couldn't have gone very far so we should be able to find her.

"I don't think I'm cut out to be out here. Can I just go back to the campsite and wait?" Marcel shivers.

"Alone?" I tell him. "All alone in that campsite in the dark by yourself. Suite yourself Marcel."

"On second thought, I'll just stick with you guys for moral support." He fake laughs as we continue to search around for Olivia.

Olivia's POV

I return to the campsite after my little break, with the extra firewood I decided to bring back for the morning, and the campsite is empty. I set the wood down and check all the tents and they all seem to be empty. Where did go?

"Harry?" I look around. "Tia? Marcel? Edward? Anybody?"

I look around the campsite for the group but they all seem to be gone?

"Is this some kind of prank?" I shout out and no one answers? Where could they have gone? "Hello? Where did you guys go? This isn't funny."

No one seems to be around? Could they have gone back to the lake? I asked myself. Well they couldn't have, I was just near there. These woods aren't very big, they couldn't have gone far? I don't know if I should try and look for them or stay here and wait for them all to come back.

"I guess I'll just wait here." I sit on the blanket setting where Harry and I were and wait and see if they come back.

Marcel's POV

"I think we should go back," I tell Harry and Edward, "It's really dark and I don't think it's a good idea to be out here."

"She's been gone too long." Harry flashes his light in so many directions, "I need to make sure she's not out here."

"She might be back at the campsite," Edward suggests, "I'm going to go check and see if she's come back."

"Okay," Harry agrees and continues searching.

"Marcel give me your flashlight," Edward sticks out his hand.

"What?" I jerk back, "No. I need this."

"Give it to me." He reaches for it. I pull it back, fighting for the flashlight. We fight, pulling the flashlight back and forth from one another. I smack Edwards hands with one free hand while gripping the flashlight. He pulls it with all his strenghth and takes the flashlight from my hand. "Thanks."

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