Chapter 1

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marinettes pov:

September 1st, finally!! I can't wait to go back to school and see miss Bustier and my class. Well mostly Adrien.... His dad was super controlling of him all summer so I only saw him once. I imagine it was worse for him than me, although its hard to believe. He's just so dreamy and it was odd not seeing those gorgeous emerald eyes every day. Focus Marinette!

Yes, the class! I can't wait to see them all. I mean I could probably have done another few months without Chloe but maybe spending the summer with her mum made her less of a diva. Saying that, she has definitely improved and maybe now she is 16 she'll be more mature. In fact I would say everyone grew up a lot when they became 16. Except Lila.

Ugh, Lila. What a nightmare. Hopefully she won't be here this term. Or at least she gets exposed for being a lying brat. There's only so many lies someone can tell and surely she's almost at her maximum before she starts to contradict herself.

*Alarm beeps*

I've been up for about 10 minutes now so instead of rolling out of bed I casually turn off my alarm and continue packing my bag. In the role reversal of the century, Tikki wakes up and looks at me through sleepy eyes. She does a double take in shock.

"Marinette?! You- you're awake!?" she splutters.

"Yep this is gonna be my year Tikki! No late marks!" I state proudly, recalling my chat from last night where I promised my hardest to be up on time to my dad. He bought me a new alarm specifically. This one plays the ladybug theme tune from that Thomas Astruc movie premiere. Talk about a fangirl, he has a signed DVD copy.

Hmm speaking of fangirls I wouldn't put it past Chat to have one of these alarms too. I make a mental note to ask him later.

"Marinette! If you want to stay ahead of time then stop zoning out!" Tikki chuckles, now wide awake and once again more ready to leave than me.

I shoot her a look, and she giggles, flying to the window to watch the view.


adriens pov:

"Good morning Nathalie." I murmur staring into my espresso cup.

"Hello Adrien, here is your schedule for the day. Your bodyguard will pick you up as usual, try to stick to the times for once please." She retorts, regarding me wearily.

I grin sheepishly, knowing I'd been avoiding my Chinese lessons all summer.

" I mean it Adrien, if you don't take some responsibility I will have to inform your father." She snaps looking frustrated at my lack of guilt.

"Yes Nathalie." I sigh, glancing at the time.

I'm late - how ironic.

Seeing me check my watch with humour, Nathalie also realises the time and indicates that I should make my way outside.

I'm not too fussed about being late because Marinette will be later. How could I forget! I get to see my friends today, including her. I've missed her constant positivity and determination to do the right thing. Recently I've become completely dependant on Ladybug for any happiness or generosity. It's nice to know Marinette will be back in my life from today. I smile a the thought of what Alya has planned for her this year. Maybe Marinette will finally tell me and Nino who she likes. But I won't pressure her though - I know how it feels to keep a secret - I want her to feel like she can talk to me when she feels ready.

As if on cue, I watch marinette tumble out of the bakery and into the street, through the blacked out window of my car. She darts to the school, stopping shortly at the traffic lights all while talking to someone. Maybe Alya is calling her? Or maybe Jagged released a new album. I really can't wait to become updated on those smaller matters that my father believes are inconsequential. I mean they probably are, but all the fun things are!

As I step out of my car I watch Marinette fall head first into Alya and stifle a chuckle. She never fails to make me laugh. Then Marinette says something that makes Alya almost drop her again. How interesting, I'll have to ask Nino about it later.

As I walk up the steps, a whirlwind of blonde surrounds me. 

"Adrien I missed you!!" Chloe cries. 

She's not calling me Adrikins. The realisation makes me smile genuinely and ask how her trip to New York was. As she moans about her mum and her boring ideas of fun, I lead her inside to class.


marinettes pov:

As I crossed the road I saw Alya chatting to Mylene about her trip to Dubai. Behind them, I  noticed Adrien getting out of his car and internally prayed he hadn't seen my fall outside the bakery. 

Lost in thought about the blonde boy, I didn't notice I was walking until I stumbled head first into Alya who had since finished her chat with Mylene.

"Ouch girl, nice to see you too!" Alya whined rubbing her hip while extending a hand to the floor to pick me up.

"I'm gonna do it Alya!" I say absent mindedly watching him walk towards the school.

"If you mean show up before the bell then I'm afraid you've been unsuccessful." She chuckled pulling me up from where I was sat on the concrete.

"Haha funny Als. No, I'm gonna tell Adrien how I feel." I say firmly, imagining exactly what I'm going to say.

Alya's hand slips from mine as she stumbles back in shock. Now that I'm back on the floor, I look up at her indignantly, expecting a good excuse for why she let me fall.

"Why today!? Girl I'm so proud!! I can't wait to tell Nino!" She babbles, completely forgetting about me.

Enjoying the dazed expression on my friends face that is an extremely rare feat, I pick myself up and watch as Adrien is swept up by Chloe with Sabrina trailing right behind.

" I guess I'm done pretending to be just his friend when I don't know if we could be more." I mumble, feeling a blush rise to my cheeks as I say it. I'm not left alone with my embarrassment for long though, as Alya engulfs me in a massive hug and claims she's proud of me 1000 times.

lilas pov:

As I walk up from the subway, I notice two things. 

One, Marinette is here before me. Extremely unusual but probably the only time ever.

Secondly, Marinette is on the floor. I'm not surprised - its where she belongs - but at 16 you'd think she had more of a reputation to uphold.

As I walk closer I hear the words "tell adrien how I feel" fall from marinettes lips and i know this is going to be my favourite year yet.

"Watch out Marinette" I murmur, a sly grin tugging at my lips.

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