Chapter three

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Blade's POV


I was alone in my home. So quiet and peaceful. Not one living soul in it but me. My family has gone out for family time when I'm stuck at home. My father doesn't need me to come since someone has to watch the house.

I personal think he doesn't want me to come since the house is fine on it's own. My father hates me. He'll find anything to hurt me. Since I'm the oldest, he expects a lot from me. Even my mother who was caring to me.

As I grew older both of them would find ways to bring me down, yet make me stronger. I don't understand what it means quite yet.

My father has been abusing me for years.

Every time they leave for something and leave me behind, I'm happy. No scratch that, ecstatic. No worries or anything. Just me doing whatever I want.

I head up to my room since I'm bored out of my mind.

I scout out a book for me to read. I'm into adventure books. I love the characters exploring new things. Percy Jackson is my personal favourite books.

As I read while laying on bed, a crashing noise from downstairs made me jump. Setting the book down I went to investigate the crashing noise.

"Hello?" My seventeen years old self asked. Yes I've seen horror movies and yes I know this could get me killed. I don't care.

"Anyone here?"

No answer.

Wondering through the home not one thing was out of place until I got to the kitchen.

The glass window smashed which means someone broke in. Since I didn't find anyone I grab the biggest knife we own for safe measures, then walking back to my room.

Continue to read with the knife by my side I feel a little safe.

Before I know it, something fell off my desk.

My lamp.

"What the fuck?"

I swore it was on my desk nowhere near the edge. I pick up the lamp placing it on the desk away from the edge.

Turning around, there stands a man smiling at me, fangs showing. Licking his mouth I back up into the desk.

"Look man, we can negotiate."

"I don't think so."

He came at me and I had no time to run.

Biting me in the neck the venom shoots through my veins.

The pain is unbearable.


Once I woke up, I find myself somehow in bed alone in the house. I don't know how long I've been out for but it's four in the morning when I glanced at the clock on my bedside table.

Getting up, my vision changed that I can see the little details which I couldn't see before. Sitting up, I take in my surroundings of my room. Standing up I exit my room into the hallway.

The doors are shut to my family's rooms. They must be home. I didn't bother to check but I left the home looking for blood.

My throat is itching for blood.

Exiting the home I never came back. When I left I feel free.

Wondering around town, it seems quiet. Ghost town almost. Not a living soul was out and about. Then again, it was four in the morning.

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