Chapter five

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Blade's POV

Sleeping in my comfy bed fainted footsteps stomps it's way up the stairs.

Please no, not today.

I know what's going to happen. I failed to impress my father by accidentally dropping a plate. I was walking with a plate to the table when Seth ran into me and I dropped it.

Seth started crying as my little eight year old self started panicking. My father would be checking on us to see the commotion any minute now.

Hearing my fathers sheet stomp as he makes his way into the kitchen.

"What the hell is going on?!" His voice booms scaring me and Seth. He looks at the glass shards, my little brother crying his eyes out, then at my panicking state.

I can feel his anger radiating off from him into me.

"Why did you break the plate?"

"I-I-I'm sorry-"

"Do you know how expensive that plate is?!"

"I didn't mean-"

"You didn't mean to? Are you fucking serious?!"

Tears spill from my eyes. He grasps my small arm yanking me away from Seth. Wiggling my way out of his grasp he grips tighter.

"Let me go!"

We make our way upstairs to my room. He shoves me inside then locking my door.

"Please dad, it was an accident," I plead.

"Nothing is an accident! And for that, your getting punished for your actions!"

He starts unbuckling his belt and I'm sobbing and pleading.

"Please no!"

I back away into the wall as he comes closer.

"Take off your shirt, son," his low voice growls.

"Dad I'm sorry!" I sob.

"I said take off your fucking shirt!"

I obey.

"Turn around and place your hands on the wall."

I obey.

Before I know it, the belt hits my delicate skin as the pain stings.

I hiss in pain.

Another whip to my back as I flinch in pain. Blood trickles down my back as the stinging pain. More tears spill as the whips kept coming and coming until I felt numb from the pain.

I didn't know when he stopped but all I felt is the blood trickling down my back. My sobs fill the room.

I hear the door unlock, slammed, then locked again. I slide down the wall scared.

After what felt like hours, I finally had the strength to get up into bed.

I feel asleep with no dinner.

Now I'm awake in bed being prepared for whatever happens.

The door unlocks as my father walks in. I hide myself under my covers.

"Blade Carl Ramose, you are a disgrace to this family."

I nod in sadness.

"Quite being depressed. Get ready for the day, I expect to see you downstairs in ten minutes," he orders.

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