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[Chapter 9: The gate part two]

[Chapter 9: The gate part two]

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THEY CARRIED supplies out of the car and into the small cabin home that Hopper had directed them to.

"It's actually, kinda nice." Nancy compliments the house as if Hopper could hear them.

Joyce looked at the fire place. "We'll do it here." She turned towards the rest of them.

Dannia and Jonathan moved the bed next to the fire place. They placed Will onto the bed.

For safety precautions, they tied up Will to the bed. Incase the creature inside took control and tried to escape.

Then they placed heaters next to the bed, facing Will's limp body.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Jonathan asked his mom.

"This thing has had Will long enough.." Dannia pat Joyce's shoulder. "Let's kill the son of a bitch."

They turned on the heaters and lit the fireplace.


M/n had woken up a while ago, he felt better than before and ready to fight. He sat up, ready to open the door once they made the turn into the lab.

M/n stepped out of the truck and stretch his stiff muscles. He walked next to eleven and slid his hand into hers.

He felt the overwhelming feeling of dread coming from El, along with bad memories that contributed to El running away.

"Let's close that gate." M/n squeezed her hand gently, El looked at him and nodded.

Hopper held his gun as he looked at the building in front of them.

"Alright, you let me do the heavy lifting up front. You both save your strength till we're below."

Hopper looked at El as she continued to look at the building along with M/n.

"You okay?"

El didn't answer before she began pulling m/n towards the entrance of the building.


Steve began to slowly wake up. Steve turned to his left, where he heard the sound of liquid sloshing around.

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