Chapter 38

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I wanted to stay holed up in my apartment forever and never leave. Just hang out with the people I wanted to see, the rest of the world could suck it.

Ugh, I really wish I could do that.

I was currently slumped down on my couch wondering how messed up everything had become without my knowledge.

I was still torn between believing Christian and trusting Grey. I couldn't outright accuse him without solid proof, that would just ruin the only good thing in my life right now if it wasn't true.

Just thinking about the entire situation made my heart sink and the overwhelming urge to throw up didn't help. I had no idea what I was going to do.

My phone vibrated notifying me that I received a text, pulling me out of my daze. My heart thudded in my chest as I sat up and checked who the text was from.

Can you come over for the night?

If what Christian said was even slightly true then this man was a good fucking actor.


Are you alright?

Yeah, I'm fine

Are you sure?

Everything's fine Grey.

If you say so. I'll pick you up around 9 or something, is that fine?

I'll see you then :)



I miss you.

I miss you too, Grey-bear

I thumbed his name, hoping that this was the true Greyson, the one who cares and holds me tight whenever I would break down.

Nevertheless, this was the perfect way to find out if what Christian said was true.

Laying back into my previous position, I recalled the time when he didn't want me to help him up to his apartment after we came back from the hospital, the text he received as well as that phone call.

It all seemed a little too suspicious now that I actually thought about it.

I let out a defeated sigh and decided I needed to take my mind off this before I drove myself insane. Picking up my phone, I scrolled through it trying to distract myself, but after a while it eventually turned boring. 

I couldn't even hang out with the twin's cause they had gone to visit Callie. And Ani had taken up an extra shift at the cafe, leaving me all alone and bored.

I was left with one last option, napping, which is exactly what I did.


I awoke with drool on the side of my chin, my hair matted to the side of my face and my body half off the couch.

It was dark which meant that I had to get up. Groaning loudly, I pushed myself up from the couch. I walked like a zombie to the bathroom, my sleep still consuming me. I washed my face with cold water to get rid of the sleep; the sleep lines on my face were prominent. I was surprised to know that I had slept peacefully without any nightmares plaguing my dreams.

Once I was awake and more alert, I decided to pack an overnight bag. I packed a few toiletries and as well as a pair of pajamas, just in case I needed it. There was still time once I was done, I settled on watching TV to pass the time, with a box of poptarts. 

A few minutes later, there was a knock on my door. Jumping up from the couch, I opened the door and stumbled back upon seeing the sight before me. Greyson stood before me, adorned with black jeans and a black turtleneck, looking like he had just jumped out of a magazine.

"You sure look extremely edible today." I said with a smirk on my face.

He let out a boisterous laugh, "So do you, Eli." He stepped closer, encircling his strong arms around my waist and gave me a toe-curling kiss.

He pulled back and tucked a tendril of my hair behind my ear, a look of adoration in his eyes as he gazed down at me. Everything felt so easy around him.

"Are you ready to go?"

I exhaled, my poor heart wasn't helping. "Yup, let me grab my bag."

Once I got whatever I needed, I locked the door and we walked hand in hand towards his car. Several thoughts running through my head at his behavior, Christian had to be wrong, nobody would act like this with someone they had to spy on.

I sat in silence trying to sort out my chaotic thoughts while Greyson guided the car onto the streets towards his apartment.

"So what does the lady desire?" Greyson asked as he kept his eyes on the road. "I'll be your personal chef for the night, milady."

"Oh, so you know how to cook?"

"One of my many talents." He said smugly. I just shook my head in response.

"What's on the menu, chef?"

"Anything your heart desires." He said in a fake British accent.

I raised my eyebrows at his arrogance, "Well, the heart desires pizza, from scratch."

His nose scrunched up in confusion, "What's pizza?"

"You uncultured swine." He just laughed in response.

"Well, I can make you an exquisite plate of pasta and... that's about it."

I gave him the stink eye, "I bet I can do it better than you."

"Oh, hell to the no. I'm the best at making pasta."

Giving him a look of disbelief, I opened my mouth to retort, but was cut off before I could say anything.

"Okay, fine. On our next date, we can have a competition and see who cooks the best pasta, which is, me, of course." He said as he pulled up to his apartment complex.

We walked to his apartment, bickering back and forth about the entire cooking competition. Once we were inside, I couldn't help but let the feeling of the homey and warm atmosphere wash over me.

"Make yourself at home. I'll be in the kitchen." He said, giving me a wink and a mischievous smile.

I made my way to his room and kept my bag there before going to the kitchen to see Greyson gracefully moving about as he deposited the pasta in the pot of boiling water. When he saw that I was standing there, he gave me a mega-watt smile.

"What can I do to help?"

"You can sit there and look pretty as I cook for you."

"Well, all the better for me. I can ogle at you." I said with a snigger.

After a few moments of silence, I decided to ask him, "Grey, what do you do?" 

"What do you mean?" He asked me with a smile on his face.

"For a living." I clarified.

The smile on his face had vanished, and he faltered for a second which caught my eye, but he quickly continued on.

"I manage a chain of hotels." He said in an impassive tone, almost like he didn't want to talk about it anymore.

As I was going to question him more about it, I was cut off by the shrill ringtone of his phone. He wiped his hands and walked over to the other room, out of sight and earshot. I tiptoed towards to the end of the room until I could hear him.

"I'm out." I heard him say in a low and menacing tone, one which I hadn't heard from him before.

"I'm not doing it anymore; I don't give a fuck what he says. I'm out." He said fiercely before cutting the call.

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