PAGE 5|Prologue Arc:Dream and Bulls|

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Third Person POV
(Y / N) and Asta were standing opposite the black bulls base. Then Asta suddenly ran into the chaos that was inside and began to scream:
Nobody noticed Asta. (Y / N) walked over to Asta and patted him on the shoulder.
-They are busy, they don't care about you.-Said sadly (Y / N).
Then a fireball flew at the guys. (Y / N) dodged to the left and Asta flew away from the explosion to the right. Yami stood motionless smoking a cigarette for about five seconds after which he abruptly hit the wall and broke it.
All members of the black bulls calmed down and immediately rushed to their captain
I helped Asta rise after a fireball explosion.
It seems that all the members of the squad adore Captain Yami. Although it seems to me that not all members of the black bulls are here. Yami started laughing after which his laugh very quickly and unexpectedly changed to a creepy and threatening face that ordered everyone to shut up.
-You're all annoying me.Just Shut Up-.He said and they all apologized in unison and sat down in front of me, Asta and the Captain on their knees.
-These two shrimps are our new members-.Yami pointed at me and Asta.Then Asta got a second try.
-I'm (Y/N) (L/N).Nice to meet you-.I said calmly and clearly
While the pink-haired one was talking to Asta, I turned to the captain.
-Captain Yami, can I ask for something?-. I asked with determination but a little quietly.
-What do you want, shrimp? -
-Well, when I went to the capital, I was not alone. My twin brother was with me and we were going to go to the exam together. But I lost him in the capital and he did not appear at the exam. I'm afraid that something has happened to him. So if I don't have missions and of course with your permission, , can I take one of the bulls and try to find him? -. I said all this in one breath. Captain bent down and looked at my face for five minutes, which is embarrassing and frightening.
- Listen, how much are you willing to pay for your brother? - From such a question I was shocked and my eyes widened.
-Sorry BUT WHAT THE SHIT ARE YOU ASKING?!?-.With big shock I answered.
-Just answer-.He said.
-NO MATTER!I CAN GIVE ALL WHAT I HAVE!EVEN MY LIFE!-.I yelled at Yami.Such a question really annoying!But he is smiling.
-Okay-.Then he walked in the door which was in the end of this room.After that he went up to the second or third floors,I guess.After that I heard sounds of screaming and punches.The captain returned. He was dragging ... NAZAR BY THE HEAD! WHAT THE MAGIC FUCK?
-Captain Yami what are you doing?I had such a good dream!-.Nazar said,it seems he was very tired
-Look who here-.Said Yami and threw Nazar in my direction.He got up.When Naz saw his eyes winded.He began to hug me abruptly.
-YOU DID IT!-.He said loudly while continuing to hug me. Was I a little paralyzed? I don't understand anything.Naz?Is he  really here in black bulls?I'm not dreaming? After Naz stopped hugging me, I was able to grasp the situation.
-Wait ..... NAZAR? WHY ARE YOU HERE? WHERE YOU HAVE BEEN? WHAT HAPPENED?!-.I asked very quickly, my thoughts were like porridge, I tried to find out the answers to everything.He nervously scratched the back of his head and then let out a slight sigh.
-Uh, it's a long story.Only what you need to know is that captain Yami accepted me without an exam-.In that time I looked at Captain Yami.

                            Nazar flashback
              When Nazar ran away from (Y/N)
Nazar POV
I fled in tears in an unknown direction. Fear and pain were tearing my heart at the same time. He does not understand what he is saying, he does not understand how dangerous his dream is! He is not worried about the consequences of his actions! He can die, disappear, leave me  .. .... forever! My only brother whom I love may disappear from my life forever but he doesn't care about it.
I kept running until I bumped into one man, a fat man in a pink shirt with a red tie and glasses.
-Oh kid, are you okay? Why are you crying-.The stranger asked caringly.
-I-I'm fine! I don't need help!-. I cried out in tears.
-Well, you're not good at lying, I see that something has happened-. Said the unknown.
-What does it matter to you? - I continued to cry but tried to speak a little more calmly.
-Oh, I just love helping poor children. Do you need help? Can I help you? I love children and I can help you. Come on, come with me-.
-I don't know why, but this man inspired strong confidence. So I nodded and followed him. He brought me to his house. It was quiet but comfortable.The man took me to his living room. Then he brought a plate of chocolate cake, a fork and juice. In a second I began to eat the cake. And drink it with juice. -My name is Pedro-. He said with a smile. I don't know why, but I felt that something was not right,but I didn't pay attention to it.
-I am Nazar-. I said to the man in response. While I was eating, he went to the locker and took out some items: a rope and a clapon. Then he turned to me.
-Do you mind playing the game? -Pedro asked and his smile was no longer warm and friendly but scary and dangerous. I wanted to refuse when suddenly the wall of his house collapsed and a dark crescent flew out of there that hit Pedro. The man screamed in pain and flew into the opposite wall.Another man appeared. He came out of the hole he made. It seems to me or is he from the magic knights.

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