Page 16|Dungeon Arc:The strongest|

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Third Person POV

Diamond Magic Creation: Blades

Mars created a lot of blades in front of him and pulled them into black-haired boy. Nazar dodged in the left then in the right and destroyed with the scythe other blades. Then he pumped his legs and jumped in Mars direction. Diamond guy started to create a lot of diamond crystals from the ground. Nazar started to roll with scythe like a beyblade and destroyed all crystals. He was really close to Mars and the guy tried to hit Nazar with his right hand, but boy sharply dodged in the left, jumped up and scratched Mars.

Mars's POV
This boy. His anger, give him strength. The diamond is the toughness material. Only anti-magic can breaks it easily or if some spell will have more mana then in my diamonds. After my attack he dodged and powered his scythe with more mana then in my crystals and destroyed them. Besides his scythe don't have more mana then any my spell so he powered it in right moment. Such an excellent mana control. But I can feel it. He is exhausted. He is mana going to end. I just need to stay alive by this moment and then attack.

Third Person POV
Nazar landed after scratch and Mars wanted to jump back, but Nazar started to roll like beyblade again and pulled Mars out of his armor. The guy fell down. Nazar quickly come up to lying Mars.

- I'm always keeping my words. You can ask Noelle. Oh, sorry. You won't be able to ask her because I'm gonna finish you! -. Said Nazar. He raised a scythe over Mars and was going to kill him. But Mars covered himself with diamond and Nazar broke his scythe of it.

- W-w-hat? -. Said Nazar.

- You out of mana. You were too anger to notice it -. Said Mars. Under Nazar appeared  a lot of crystals which pierced him. He coughed with blood. Mars again created his big armor.

- Ho-w m-uch ma-na d-o y-ou have?! I-t's in-sane!  -. Said Nazar.

- You have a perfect mana control  but your emotions took control -. Said Mars.

- I d-don't n-e-ed som-e sh-it a-dvice-s from y-ou! -. He said.

Asta's POV
I saw some other sword. It was smaller. I grabbed it.

(Y/N)'s POV
I saw something like gauntlet. It was like holder for shields? Fuck my balls, I'm too injured. I have only two spells. One shield is absorbing mana from outside, another from me, like magic damage. It heals me but in the other hand I feel myself more exhausted after that. I took this gauntlet.

Yuno's POV
I feel. I feel. I can break those crystals. Black Bulls guy is almost passed out. I need quickly too get out of there. Yes, it's breaking. Come on! Almost!

Nazar's POV
- The Weakest is dying, the strongest is surviving. You were exhausted by other fight. It was fool  decision. And because of that you are going to die -. Said Mars.


I was staying in front of tree and trying to hit it with my magic

- Not bad -. Said Avio.

- This is bad! I hit it only one time! -. I said.

- It's still better then nothing and it's progress -. Said Avio.

- If that's progress, then I'm never going to be like you, I'm never going to be the strongest -. I said.

- Like me. Why do you want to be the strongest? -. Avio asked

- Why? -. I asked

- Ask yourself. That will be your first step on this way -. He said.


I asked myself this question for few days. I don't know why. Looking at Avio and (Y/N). I just wanted. And in one day, I understood why. (Y/N) ran away to play in the forest but lost. Me and Avio went to find him. Then I lost Avio, I was alone in the forest. It was so scary around, but the most scary thing is the I didn't know where (Y/N). I heard a wolf scream and (Y/N)'s scream. I ran in this direction and saw how my bro was passed out and lying near tree, in front of him was a wolf. My eyes winded, my heart became mine faster, in my hand was created a very small scythe. I wasn't thinking what am I doing, My feelings were moving my body. I killed this wolf and understood Avio's Lesson.
The strongest is the person who have something that he/she want to protect.
No Matter What, You Keep Finding Something To Fight For. Avio, that why you was so strong. You want to protect us.

Flashback's end

- No -. Said Nazar. Mars looked at him.

Yuno's POV
I almost broke the crystals. A little more time.

Third Person POV

- I'm not weak -. Said Nazar.

Asta's POV
I got up. I looked and saw (Y/N)'s brother. Damn! He is in trouble!

Third Person's POV

- I'm still stronger than you -. Said Nazar.

(Y/N)'s POV
I put on a gauntlet and used my first spell. A shield appeared on a gauntlet.

Third Person POV
- Because I have something that I want to protect! -. Yelled Nazar at Mars.

Mars's POV

Let's see outside world together, Mars.

Third Person's POV

- YOU ARE WEAK! -. Yelled Diamond Guy.

Mars's eyes winded and he was about to pull out  from the ground a lot of crystals that would kill Nazar in a few seconds. But then was  a lot of scratches and wind. All crystals were broken . Nazar felt a magic wind behind him and saw in front of him, two persons. Asta was staying with new sword, (Y/N) was staying with a shield and it's half was like triangle. Like a blade.

- Don't even dare to hurt my brother! -. Yelled (Y/N).

- Don't even dare to hurt my friend! -. Yelled Asta.

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