Page 18|Royal Capital Arc: His Name is Julius Novachrono|

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Third Person POV
- Oh damn. You already woke up. So you again succeeded in a mission and again got your ass fucked by a lot of injuries. -. Said Captain Yami while Asta, Nazar, Charmy, (Y/N), Noelle, Magna and Luck were eating a lot of food.

- Yeah! But I'm still alive! -. Said (Y/N).

- I don't give a damn about it. We need to do a report so take your ass, your brother, Asta and Noelle and go to the capital -. Said Yami.

- Can I go too?! There will be a lot of strong people, -. Said Luck.

- No. You will just cause a problem, and I don't want to have shit with it. So you will go on a mission with Magna -. Said Yami. Luck was happy and came up to Magna.

- Let's do our best, Magna! -. Said Luck

- You are creepy! -. Said Magna.

- Can I go!? -. Asked Charmy.

- Nope. Everything that you are doing, is eating. Go
and do something useful -. Said Yami.

- Laaaaaaaaa! -. Yelled Charmy.


- Woooooooooooooooow -. Yelled (Y/N) and looked at the capital.

- So coooooooooooool -. Yelled Asta.

- Stop yelling! Both of you are disgracing me! -. Said Noelle.

- It's really big and awesome -. Said Nazar.

- Let's just go! -. Said Noelle and moved ahead. There they saw a golden dawn.

- Hey! Yuno! Four-eye! Mimosa! -. Shouted (Y/N). They turned back. Klaus quickly ran to (Y/N).

- (Y/N)! How are you?! -. He asked.

- I'm fine! -. (Y/N) said.

- What about your injuries? -. Klaus asked

- It's fine. Thanks to Mimosa. After she restored her magic, she healed me while we were returning to base -. He said.

- Thank goodness -. He said and then yelled .- Asta! How about your injuries! -. He came up to Asta.

- Great! Thanks to Mimosa again ! -. He said.

- Yeah! Mimosa's healing magic is really awesome -. Said (Y/N), he gave a smile to Vermilion girl and showed that:👍🏻

Mimosa blushed and hid behind Noelle.

- Huh? -. Asked (Y/N).

- You are scared of her -. Said Yuno.

- What? -. Asked (Y/N).

- Ha-ha! -. Said Asta.

- Or maybe she was scared of Asta's short height -. Said Yuno.

- Ha-ha! -. Said (Y/N).

- Childs -. Said Nazar.

Noelle's POV

- What are you doing? -. I asked Mimosa.

- I don't know what's going with me, Noelle -. She answered.

- What do you mean? -. I asked.

- When we were returning, I was healing (Y/N). He was talking to me while this. He has no magic, but he wants to become a Wizard King. We had a nice talk and after that I understood that I wanted to talk with him more. From that day on, I started to feel weird! When I look at him, my heart is moving faster! I can't stop thinking about him -. She said with red cheeks.

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