Page 22|Royal Capital Arc: Power Up Magic|

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Nazar's POV
Finally. These Zombies stopped to get up. I looked around. Citizens went out from the houses.

- MAGIC KNIGHTS SAVE US! -. Male Citizen shouted.

- OUR HEROES! -. Shouted Female Citizen.

- THANK YOU! WE LOVE YOU! -. Shouted Citizen's kids.

Wow. It's maybe first time when a lot of people were  thanking me. I saw Bastard and these two boys.

- Thank you! Thank you! -. Said one of them.

- It's our job, kid -. Bastard said.

- What is your name? -. I asked the black haired boy with blue eyes.

- It's Neil -. He answered.

- And yours? -. I asked the white haired boy with blue eyes.

- Yeil -. He answered.

- Neil, Yeil. Now everything is fine. Do you have a place where you live? -. I asked.

- Yes! In our old house in the forest! -. Said Yeil.

- Okay. It seems we are finished with bad guys. We will check others knights. And then I will return for you. Wait here, okay? -. I asked.

- Okay -. They both answered at the same time.

- Hey. Nazar. Right? -. Asked Bastard.

- Yeah -. I answered. He sat on his knee in front of you.

- I'm want to say something -. He said.

- Wait! Main thing! I don't like guys! Especially bastards! -.  I said

- What? No! I wanted to say sorry! I 'm so sorry for what I did to you and your brother! -. He said.

- Ow. You about that. And why should I believe you? -. I said. He show me his stomach and there was a scar.

- After Captain found out what I did to you. He fought with me and let me feel what you felt. He is a commoner but have such a power. With years, I started to change, Captain Jack changed my mind about commoners. He told me about one strong and vulgar commoner with katana. His rival. He showed   me what is magic knight.  Now I don't care commoner or noble. I must protect all of them. Because I'm a magic knight -. He said.

- Well. You don't need to say it. I already saw it when you saved these boys -.I said and gave him a hand. - Got up. We must check others -. He took my hand and got up. Then Mantis's Captain landed near us.

- Khe-Khe. They stopped to get up. But be ready. I'm not thi - Captain was interrupted by weird thing. Under us appeared a big black hole. Like portal. Kai pushed me from here and I flew at the wall of some building.

- Ouch! -. I said when they gone in the portal. What the hell?!

- What happened?! Where they gone? -. Asked Male Citizen.

- Stay calm! I will figure it out! -. I said and put my hand up. Then to me flew my broom. I sit on it and flew up. - What happened? -. I asked

Zander's POV
I was staying at the roof. Aria, Aria. We must show up after magic knight gone. Huh. By the way you was the weakest. I need to took her from here. But firstly will finish my part of plan -

Power Up Magic: Power Up Strength


Power Up Magic: Power Up Speed.

- ruin the capital. I jumped up and landed on the building because for what destroyed it. Then I hit the wall of the nearby building and broke it. I started to broke everything around. Ha-ha! Took this stupid Clover's people! Hahaha!

- Hey you! -. I heard some male voice.

Third Person POV
Zander looked up and saw Nazar.

- Magic Knight? -. Asked Zander

- Stop it. Now! -. He said.

- Well. It will be even better if I kill the magic knight -. Said. Nazar wanted to say something but Zander jumped on him and punched. The boy flew and crashed in the building. Nazar coughed with blood. Zander landed near him and took him by his legs and then threw him on the road. Nazar created a lot of Crows and they flew at the Zander. The guy caught two of Crows but they exploded.

Power Up Magic: Power Up Regeneration.

Every wounded that he got was quickly injured.

- What the fuck?!? -. Yelled Nazar. In few seconds he was seriously injured and now his opponent is healing himself very easily.

- You are weak for me. Just give up and I will give you a fast death -. Said Zander.

- Give up? Are you kidding me? I know one boy whom on my place would never give up. And how I'm dare to give up? -. Nazar said.

- You have a nice spirit in your soul. But it won't give you power! -. Zander jumped on Nazar and tried to punch him but the boy jumped in the left and Zander hit the ground. He sharply turned in Nazar's direction and punched him. The boy flew in the wall.

Nazar's POV
He is much stronger then me. He is fast, strong and have regelation. What should I do? Wait. His mana. He almost don't have it. I mean, to power up his body like this he used almost all his mana. So he won't be able to power up something else. His have a big strength, regeneration, and speed. Of course! But to use this plan I need be as fast as he at least. The guy took me and threw in another wall. I coughed a lot of blood. Damn, I lost so much blood. A few attacks like this and I will die. Damn. No. I can't die. I don't want to die. Asta, Noelle, Magna, Luck, Yuno, Captain, (Y/N). No. I don't fear to leave (Y/N), he won't be alone. I fear to die so soon after we found our new family. I can't. I must become the strongest. Besides I promised Noelle that will train and protect her until she become stronger. I always keep up my promise. I won't die here! I won't die now!

Dark Creation Magic: Crow Set

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