No need to choose - Fred and George Weasley

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Plot - Megan Krum the younger sister of Viktor Krum  is soulmates with both Fred and George. To a witch who already lives a very unusual life what if an unusual solution presents its self. Also what happens when Viktor decides to come watch a quidditch game at Hogwarts and surprise his little sister and sees a very shocking surprise.

Megan's PoV

I stared at my arm in disbelief. Yesterday was my 16th birthday meaning my soulmark had finally showed it's self. There was an arrow on one side of my wrist and then just above my wrist more on the palm of my hand there was a little squiggly line which made a heart. They were both clearly separate so according to this I had two soulmates and the best/worst thing about this was I knew who they were. Ever since I joined Hogwarts in my first year my only friends have been Fred and George. We met on the train when they told me to sit with them and their brothers instead of staying in the hallway. Even when I got sorted into Slytherin they never left my side. We did everything together. They are the only two who know how bad the bullying from my own house gets. Since the two of them have there own dorm room because Gryffindor had spare room I spend most of my nights in there. I barley even go to my own common room or dorm room anymore. The only reason I'd come back today was to shower quickly and pack a few bags because the boys told me to leave more off my stuff over there. I grabbed my stuff and snuck out and ran back to the Gryffindor dorm. I bumped into Percy on my way back who just smiled and rubbed my shoulder sympathetically. I know the twins had told their family what was going on with me. So that they didn't get in trouble at home. He helped me with two of my bags. They boys were in the common room when we walked in they smiled at me and there brother.

Megan - thank you Percy.
Percy - your welcome. I assume they need putting in the boys dorm.
Fred - yup thank you.
Percy - it's no bother. I'd rather break the rules and know she's safe than break Malfoy's nose.
George - see megs it's not just us two who think Malfoy needs to be taken down a peg or two.
Megan - you have a point.

The four of us laughed as we headed upstairs. Yes the twins had managed to find a trick to the stairs so that they didn't turn into a slide whenever I walked up them. Once we got into the room Percy put my bags down and said bye. The twins immediately helped me unpack. The three of us laughing telling jokes to each other. Once done we all collapsed George and Fred on both their beds and me in the little window seat.

George - did your mark show up today.
Megan - yeah I kinda need both your help.
Fred - whatever you need you've got it.

I felt myself getting anxious and tears building up as I looked at the floor. I wiped a stray tear away and just rolled up myself and held it out. They both instantly stood up and walked over to me and checked it. I heard them both gasp a little before they pulled me into a huge hug.

George - hey it's okay love. You don't have to cry or worry that pretty little head of yours.
Fred - me and George were speaking to mum and dad over the holidays and they both said it was very likely that we'd have the same soulmate. Because were twins and because of how close we both are.
George - so we both decided that if that day came. We'd let her chose. And the other will not be offended in the slightest they'd just become like sibling/best friend.
Fred - whichever you chose. We both love you and support your decision darling.
Megan - that's the thing Iiii I can't chose between you both. I just can't.

A sob escaped my chest which made them both hold me closer and rub circles on my back and shoulders.

George - what do you mean?
Megan - I love you both. I have since I was 13. I can't pick I know deep down it'd hurt you both. And it would kill me knowing I'm the cause of that pain.
Fred - oh princess. It's okay look at us.
George - please hun.

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