Unlikely Saviour- Son Heung-Min

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Plot - Megan works for a media company, who have recently gotten the opportunity to interview the legendary Heung-min Son. Whilst at the interview Sonny notices how unfairly Megan and ther two other female staff members are being treated by her co-worker. Taking into account something he was once told he chooses to defend Megan and call out the co-worker for his behaviour.

Megan's PoV

God I absolutely love my job, but I hate the company I work for. See I am a media interviewer, I primarily work on our YouTube channel where I get to interview a verity of different people, from sports legends and prodigies to music artists to children that have been working for something which has gained online attention, I love my job and the opportunity it gives me to meet new people, people I look up to and respect as well as hopefully inspire a new age of girls to realise they can do anything they want. The company I work for however is terrible It's ruled by two misogynistic men, both the most arrogant men I have had the misfortune of meeting but the older of the two the father of the younger on is more bearable than his sleezy, sexist spoiled son. They are however sadly old family friends for my grandparents. Every time I have tried to say something it's always their just stuck in the old ways. And I should be thankful anyway because of the opportunity they've given me. I fully understand uniforms and companies having certain images but the fact I have to wear such a ridiculous outfit each day irritates me. It only females who have all these rules the men can where what they want when they want. Seriously I have to wear thermal tights and a ridiculously short and tight dress with long sleeves no matter the weather because of my tattoos my two friends who don't have tattoos have to wear a similar dress but it's short sleeved. See I have a Medusa tattoo on my fight arm. On my Right leg I have a wolf howling at the moon. On my left arm I have half my sleeve tattoo completed it consists of animals, dotted patterns and a watch face. And finally on my left thigh just above my knee I had a tattoo that featured both a New Zealand fern and Japanese Cherry Blossom it combines two of my cultures. Meaning I have to keep my arms and legs covered whenever representing the company. My heritage is also another thing that is constantly brought up. My mom is half New Zealander and half English. My dad is Half English and Half Japanese. A lot of the men here assume that all "Asians" look the same from afar you can barely tell I have any Asian heritage. Up close you can see it slightly in my eyes. No one cares about what had been said because the bosses laughed along and encouraged the comments. My grandfather on my dads side is English and he is the one who is best friends with my bosses. They're are old business partners. My grandfather essentially took Steve under his wing and Steve repaid him with the strongest of loyalty. Now my grandfather is out of business he still supports Steve like Steve had once done for him.They found each other as family  the family loyalty between them both is strong but also the family loyalty between both families is strong. They always made sure of that. No matter how many times I have told someone what happens here at work nothing ever happens. Today when I'd gotten to work I'd been ushered to hair and makeup instantly. They tied my orange hair up so tight it was giving me a headache instantly, they slipped a wig cap over it and secured that to my head before sliding on the horrible blonde balayage wig. I'd learnt quickly to just shut up and stay still. It's not the hair stylist or makeup artist faults. Then they moved to plastering my face with makeup all of a Sudden Steve, the owner of the entire company I work for came in with his son Greyson. I could just roughly make out a few words of theirs. Greyson was complaining to his dad saying that he wanted to do todays interview on his own without me. But his dad spoke up and stopped his tantrum before it could begin and just said "she and him are from the same place, it'll look good for us to have a representative of his country here" I was so confused because I still didn't know who we were actually interviewing. I just let the hair and makeup team do their job and finish up before I stood up to walk to my locker to get my clothes for today. Per company rules all female staff had to wear one of two blue dress and heels. We had we wear the same gold chain and use the same bag. they were pushing for the rule of natural hair colours to be changed to blondes only. Aside from the rules about what we had to wear we had to leave them at the office so that there was no chance we couldn't put the correct items on. I grabbed my tights and dress and went to go to the dressing room but my path was blocked by Greyson. I rolled my eyes and bit my tongue as he smirked as he slicked his hair down.

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