The Azure Dragoons Adopt A Child - Estinien Varlineau

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Plot - Megan the warrior of light/ one of the Azure Dragoons is married to Estinien Varlineau the other Azure Dragoon. After saving the world the two still regularly went on missions. Their latest mission took them on a turn nobody could have anticipated. Whilst out on a mission in Labyrinthos they found an orphan child. Upon consulting with the forum and establishing the child had no parents. That the Child had been born due to an experiment which was now cancelled the two Draggoons chose to adopt the child. The child was elated with this news. This is their story.

Megan's PoV

Myself and Estinien had been sent out on a mission with my sister Phoebe and her fiancé Urianger. The formum had contacted us and asked if we could help with a few violent species that had somehow gotten out of the pasture they should have been in. We worked tirelessly as a group of four. Myself and Estinien being dps classes. I'd gone with my reaper arts and Estinien his dragoon.

Whilst Phoebe was a tank, she was an incredible paladin

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Whilst Phoebe was a tank, she was an incredible paladin. Urianger was as always our healer him being an Astrologian completed out group meaning the four of us could do most jobs without asking for help. Not that we couldn't ask for help from our other scions or many of the allies we've made. We just preferred to work as a four.

The mission it's self was tough but we pulled though

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The mission it's self was tough but we pulled though. The four of us were tired and Phoebe suggested we should take a break down by the river. We all instantly agreed and put our weapons away using a glamour so that they didn't appear until we drew them. As we walked down to the river myself and Estinien walked hand in hand as did Phoebe and Urianger. Phoebe picked a spot which was right by the river but there were a few boulders we could sit in as well as a tree that provided privacy for us to get changed and things. The four of us were chatting amongst ourselves. We had all booked the next two weeks off from any jobs. People could only contact us if it was an emergency. Phoebe and Urianger had decided they wanted to visit Kugane. Myself and Estinien had chosen to take our break in Old Sharlyan, it meant a lot to us both since it was the place we both first confessed to one and other. The night before we headed to the moon where everything was uncertain. He knocked on my door and asked to speak to me. He gave me a prep talk but as he went to leave I asked him to stay. When he asked me why I simply told him if this should be our last night I wished to spend it with the man I loved. It didn't even take him a second before he pulled me into his arms and kissed me so tenderly, like he was scared I'd break. Once we pulled away. He rested his forehead on mine and told me I'd just made him the happiest man alive well dragon hybrid technically. See after being bonded with nidhogg for as long as he was and being posed by him. Estinien was now more or less half Elezen half Dragon. Upon further research we found out after we'd saved our planet that the reason for our connect, the reasons for us both being an azure dragoon was because we were mates. I understood the concept of this very well as because I am an Auri I knew I'd have a mate one day. Estinien learnt incredibly quickly and adapted to this knowledge and within six months of him asking me to be his that night we became official mates we took each others marks and wore them proudly on our necks. Now seven months after that we were happily married. I broke from my day dream as Estinien placed a kiss on my cheek. He'd changed his clothes. I smiled at him before I went behind the tree and did the same.

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