The Wolf Twins Mate

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Megan the adopted daughter of Brynjolf gets back from a job just in time to walk in on the meeting. Her dad was having with The companions. They needed help against a group called the Summerset Shadows. They're trying to rival The Thieves Guild but they don't keep things as clean as The Guild do. By doing things the way they had been doing they'd made enemies with a lot of people. The Guild because they were sulking their reputation and taking their jobs and The Companions were now involved after multiple people had gone to them asking for help. During the meeting both Farkas and Vilkas discover Megan's their mate. After the meeting and before they and Megan set off on the mission, they ask fo speak to Megan and Brynjolf.

Farka's PoV

It's not very often that Kodlak ventured out of Jorrvaskr theses days. But this new group were specialists. Which meant they needed help. So myself and Vilkas were chosen to accompany Kodlak as he traveled to Riften to speak with the Thieves Guild. Now although we didn't see eye to eye both groups actually got along pretty well. They never did anything that warranted our attention. Hell they'd even asked us to work with them a few times. However this was the first time we needed their help on a mission. Aela and Skjor were staying at home so they could keep peace and order at Jorrvaskr. We approached Riftens gates as we rode up the hill so we carefully lead our horse in the direction of the stables. Just like Kodlak said there was a woman and a man in thieves armour lent against the stable. We dismounted our horses and tied them up and walked over to the man and woman.

Kodlak - would you two happen to be Vex and Delvin.
Vex - yes. I'm Vex and this is Delvin we're two of four senior memebers of The Guild.
Delvin - I assume your Kodlak leader of the companions.
Kodlak - I'm no ones leader more of an overseer. Behind me are two members of The Circle Farkas and Vilkas.
Vex - pleasure to finally meet the wolf twins.
Vilkas - pleasure to meet the most terrifying woman of The Guild.
Delvin - lad at this point I'm not sure who's worse Vex here or Megan, Tonilia or Sapphire.
Vex - I'd vote Tonlina
Farkas - who's Tonilia?
Delvin - she's one of the oldest members of The Guild. She used to be a fence for me. Now she lives with us and watches our back. Sapphire is one of the advanced members of The Guild and Megan is Brynjolfs adopted daughter. She's been part of the guild since she was a pup. She's now one of the four senior members of The Guild. All the women are terrifying in their own rights. They've got to be their the four of them are the only women in The Guild. Well there's also Karliah. But she's special.
Vilkas - it'll be a pleasure to meet them.
Delvin - follow us and stick close.
Kodlak - lead the way.

We followed the two through the main gates they instantly took a left turn as started walking up a path right next to the wall. We stopped at the cemetery and walked into a little shrine of sorts. Soon the bad disappeared and revealed a hidden passage way. Once we were all in Delvin closed it. We all climbed down a ladder and that's when the scent hit me. My mate had been here. And by the depth of her smell she was here often. I looked over at Vilkas who'd picked up on the same scent. Me and him had known we were destined to share a mate since we took the blood. He nodded slightly at me. We were lead over to a table. There stood a man with long red hair. He was currently deep in conversation with a relatively young man.

Brynjolf - Rolf I don't care what your excuse is lad. We do not harm those who we target. This is your last warning do I make myself clear.
Rolf - yes Brynjolf. Sorry it won't happen again.
Brynjolf - right I have business to attend to. Vex can you take this recruit to train some more. She doesn't leave that room until he can at least pick a lock.
Vex - sure thing. This way you. Pleasure meeting you gentlemen. Hopefully I'll see more of you.

With that she walked off over the little bridge. Strangely the lad never followed her. I could tell she knew from the slight smirk on her face.

Vex - ROLF your lessons this way. Do not make me come back over there.

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