Scions in Love - Estinien Wyrmblood

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Plot - Megan the warrior of light finds herself lost and alone whilst in danger. What was supposed to be travelling to meet the scions for a much deserved break turned disastrous. Luckily for her a certain tall blonde ellezen man, know as the former azure dragoon. Is also still making his way to the meeting point.

Megan's PoV

Running through the snow filled lands of Coerthas had not been something I saw myself doing today but alas here I was running through the snow filled lands as best I could. One of my many mentors Sidurgu wished for my help not with a dark knights but as in he needed someone who could deal damage quicker. So I said I could come as one of my many dps arts and meet him and Rielle and finish the job they'd been given before me and the rest of the scions went away on vacation. Not that this situation could have been helped mind you. Poor sweet Rielle had been hurt before we'd even got to the job. She was fine one minute then when she returned from the stream she was coughing an unusual amount. To our horror she collapsed to the floor and carried on coughing until she was coughing up blood. I could see the worry etched all over Sidurgu's face he cared for her like he would his own child not that he'd ever admit it. But you could see it in his eyes. I told him to take Rielle back to Ishgard and see she got the help she needed and that I would finish this task before I headed to meet the other scions. They both reluctantly left only after I'd promised them both I would stay alive. That if needs be I'd leave the job and return once the three of us were free and healthy again.

Now back to the matter at hand around an hour after I'd sent them back I'd found the group we were meant to deal with. Only to realise that they had already planned ahead. They were a group of heretics far more advanced than we first thought though. As I crept up I could here the leader talking to two older women who smiled sickly as they revealed to him how their plan had gone perfectly. I had to fight back a gasp as they revealed they were responsible for Rielle becoming ill they'd snuck up on her as she used the stream to refill her water bottle. They'd stabbed her with a potent poison. This poison is so vile it leaves the victim in unimaginable pain for weeks whilst they are constantly coughing up blood. luckily I knew what the antidote was as my mother had been a profound herbolegist and taught me everything she knew. I backed up and called sidurgu as quickly as I could. He answered me and I told him why Rielle was ill, he panicked until I told him the antidote. The healers at ishguard would have everything they needed to make it. So she could be treated soon after she arrived. I bid him goodbye. As I was deciding whether to take on the camp as a surprise attack or to leave it I felt myself be grabbed from on top of the rocks. Fuck one of the scouts had found me. I headbutted him quickly but he was to strong he grabbed my arms and threw me of the rocks I hit my head twice as I fell. Cutting my head open pretty badly. I let my body fall limp hoping to convince my attacker he'd won. He did as I assumed he would he looked over the rocks and laughed muttering pathetic as he went back to the group. Boasting all the way there. Once the coast was clear I pulled myself up and started running for my life. I needed to get out of here. They already had to many advantages for my liking. So I set off up the path I'd travelled down clutching my head as I ran. My scythe kept steady on my back thankfully as I ran as quickly as I could. I soon heard the heretics chasing me. I had to follow a path I hadn't seen before which is incredibly risky. But I had no other options. As I carried on running I could still hear them and they were gaining on me. I ran through some trees and bushes hoping to somehow slow my pressures down. Only to come face to face with another dead end. I turned and readied myself to fight.

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