Thats our Girl - The Weasley Twins

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Plot - Megan is Sirius and Remus's daughter. They had her via surrogacy. Lily Potter wanted to gift two of her best friends in the world the best gift she could think of. That's where Megan comes in. Despite being in Slytherin Megan has always been fond of Ginny ever since she joined whilst Megan was in her 4th year. After becoming close with the rest of the Weasleys over the summer before her last year at Hogwarts. What happens when the twins see Megan defend Ginny against members of her own house. The twins are Megan's Soulmates the three of them know but haven't mentioned it yet.

Megan's PoV

I woke up to the sound of the school bell. It acted like an alarm for most of us. Then I heard Professor Bitch Tits start to make her morning announcements and I groaned whilst burying my head in my pillow. This happened 9am sharp every morning.

I should probably explain. I'm Megan Lily Lupin-Black. The daughter of Sirius Black and Remus Lupin. Lily Potter is my mum, she chose to give my dads the best gift ever when she agreed to be their surrogate. I called Lily mum, Remus Pops, Sirius dad and James had always been Prongs. For the first two years of my life I was brought up by not only my dads but the Potters as well. People joked that any kids to come from either of the two couples had four parents not two, because of how close the group was. And to be honest I agree wholeheartedly. See Remus and Sirius are legally may parents, But Lily will always be my mum. Then there is James now technically he didn't need anything to do with me, he'll he didn't even have to like the fact I existed. But from the moment I was born he became my guardian Angel so to speak. He's also one of my godfathers. They only difference is he'd been my godfather since I was born. James always looked after me. After all not only was I his wife's daughter, but I was the daughter of his two best friends. As I grew up the four of them raised me and did everything they could to teach me and make sure I had a happy childhood despite what was going on. I still remember James scooping me up in his arms and swaddling me to his chest before he flew around on his broomstick with me. It was one of the few things that would calm me and make me sleepy. James was usually the one to fly with me since he was the best flyer of the three men and Lily refused to fly. Lily normally told them all off jokingly. From being two years old, Lily would spend hours doing my hair it could be just brushing it or putting it up into cute little styles. Dad used to and has continued to be my biggest supporter. Whether it be with school work, trying out for the quidditch team or simply encouraging me to be myself. Pops has always been my voice of reason and constantly taught me everything I should could ever need to know before I needed to know it. When Lily and James fell pregnant they used me to tell the order. They got me a shirt that said I'm going to be a big sister, hurt my little brother and I'll hurt your face. James picked the shirt but Lily didn't care because it made her laugh as she new it was true. From the moment Harry was born. I became his guardian Angel. I'd watch over him as he played I'd run to his side the moment he started crying I'd hug him every night before he went to bed. Lily was the one who first joked that if anyone picked on him at Hogwarts they were screwed. Then we all had to go into hiding I remember crying as I hugged Harry and Lily goodbye. I cried as I clutched onto James, he gave me a present and promised me he'd come back and he'd make sure nothing happened to my mum or brother. But then Voldemort got to the three of them. When Snape found Harry he brought him to my dads. Because from the moment that Voldemort threatened Lily, Snape was on our side. He, my dads, mum and James made up just before they went into hiding. He helped my dads argue that Harry shouldn't have been placed in the care of his aunt and uncle, that he should have come to us. But Dumbledore made us all promise not to interfere saying that this was all part of the plan. He became friends with my dads to the point when I got my Hogwarts letter he joined James in being my godfather. That way if I needed immediate help at school which required a parent or guardian I had him. Even when Harry joined me in Hogwarts during my third year I couldn't speak to him but I always made sure to look out for him in others ways. I'd tell members of my own house off for messing with him and his friends. During quidditch games I'd make sure Slytherin never targeted him. My protectiveness of him lead to me having to tell Marcus Flint, Adrian Pucey and Terrance Higgs the truth. Since they were my closet friends they'd noticed my protectiveness and behaviour. But Severus helped me and he told the boys how important it was that Harry didn't find out until the time was right. They promised to keep it a secret, they even went as far as helping me protect Harry and his friends from our house mates. Making it look like it was just older students doing the right thing and sticking up for younger students. From the moment I first saw Ginny Weasley I couldn't help but think back to memories of Mum. She looked so much like her it was scary. This first time I saw Draco and his goons bullying her I did something I'd never done. I protected her from them in front of everyone. At the end everyone left because of the guys but I pulled Ginny to the side and told her that I would always be there for her should she need me. We instantly became best friends. She'd confide in me with her worry's and I'd reason with her and help her out. On days where everything got a little to much for me she'd be there giving me a hug or taking me out to do something to forget about it. But  we had to keep our friendship a secret. I told her the truth and she promised to keep the secret and she did. Then the year after that my fifth year, Harry's third year and Ginnys second year, Dad escaped from Azkaban and everyone was put on high alert in the end it all worked out because when Harry confronted dad and Pops they told him the truth. I followed them out to the shack and Pops told Harry everything. About me and him being siblings, how we had to hide to protect him. How we'd wanted to tell him the truth since day one but we couldn't because of the plan to protect him. Shockingly he understood he said he kinda knew something about me and him was special. Since he'd realised it was me who protected them from Slytherin one day he asked Fred and George who I was and they struggled to answer because of how I kept to myself. So from that point on they tried to find out more about me for Harry's sake. They once told him that me and him had eyes so similar we may as well be brother and sister. Ohh if only they knew. Everything changed that night dad was now free we'll kinda, Harry and me became friends instantly. Slytherin and Gryffindors sorta put the house rivalry on a back burner it only really came out for quidditch games. I met the rest of the Weasleys, finally getting to admit not only Harry was my little brother but Ginny is my best friend. We spent the night getting to know each other and relaxing, laughing at how Ron exclaimed it was "Bloody Brilliant" how I protected the three of them when Peter revealed himself. I became friends with all of them. Quite often I'd find myself spending time with the golden trio, or I'd sit with Fred, George and Lee in lessons, Percy helped me study and me and Ginny were still best friends but now we didn't have to worry about the judgement. Me and the twins became particularly close as well since I'm in the same year as them. Also because from the age of 13 I've know they were both my soulmates but I never mentioned it out of insecurities and fears. I was hoping to admit to them before we left this year. School life went on as normal. Well as normal as life gets whilst at Hogwarts. Anyway back to today

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