Saving The Baelsar Siblings - FFXIV Alfronse

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Plot - Megan is the younger sister of Iris the warrior of light. Now that the Scions have returned from the first. The scions and the alliance are eager to get started on the new threat of the empire. Megan however has a vision unlike any before from the echo involving her mate. Now her mission is to protect him and his four siblings before the terrible tragedy can start.

Iris's PoV

I was laid in bed with Aymeric and Estinien. We were finally back together and I was enjoying catching up on lost time. I'm forever thankful to my two mates, when I was taken to the first they looked after my younger sister Megan whilst I was working there. I curled up closer to Estinien as he moved slightly.

Estinien - Iris my love I'm not leaving, I wouldn't leave for anything right now my love. I have my two mates in my arms and I couldn't be happier.
Aymeric - we're here darling, tis as Estinien said neither of us are going anywhere.
Iris - I'd be lost without the two of you. I've done it once and I don't wish to do it again.
Aymeric - now that we're engaged you'll never have to.
Estinien - we plan on keeping you, that includes keeping you safe an in one place. No matter what anyone says.
Iris - I love you both.
Estinien - and we love you too.
Aymeric - until the end of time.

Before we could continue our conversation we heard Megan scream bloody murder from her room in Aymerics home. I'm rather proud to say I've never seen the three of us move so quickly. We ran down the corridor to her room and Estinien just managed to catch her before she fell out of bed. It was then I noticed her neck was was irritated, she kept scratching at it where her mate mark would go. Meaning it was something to do with her mate.

Megan's PoV

Ever since I can remember I've always had the mate connection. Almost every night his soul would call out to mine and as we dreamt we'd bound with each other. Alfronse my mate was an Auri just like me, he's a year older than me also. Our souls normally just bonded over happy things like our family's. I'd learnt all about his family well sort off he kept his fathers name from me but reassured me I'd understand when the time was right. He adored his 4 siblings and wanted them to be able to live the best life possible so he threw himself into work as soon as he could. I'd memorised as much as I could about Alfronse and his family, they were so important to him I wanted to make them one of my priorities too. Our souls also called out to each other when we were hurt or scared. I knew Alfronse was often abused by his commander and often too the blame for his sibling to. However he reassured me that he was okay that he could take it. But I still felt enraged every time it happened. He often felt the same way when I got bullied due to being an Auri or having no parents. But I assured him that it was okay and yes their words might hurt but it's nothing I haven't heard before. Tonight I felt Alfronse calling to me earlier than normal so I headed to bed early. What I wasn't prepared for was for my echo to take over and pretty much transport my soul to Alfronse. Because although we communicated daily and told each other what we looked like we'd never seen each other. The soul link design show you each other physically. I stood in shock as  I watch myself and Iris get closer to defeating each of the new ultima weapons. However every time we did I felt Alfronse in pain both physically and mentally. I watched my mate, and his siblings plan everything they could to make their father proud and free their home so no one else had to go through the torture that they had. I watched my mate sacrifice himself to save the youngest of his siblings. I felt part of my soul start to die. I screamed as loud as I could. But it didn't do anything. I watched him be punished and forced into the machine. Where it took his life, He cried for his siblings, his father and for me. Asking me for forgiveness that we should never meet. I cried and cried. I was there next to him but I couldn't do anything.

The next thing I knew I gasped for breath as the scenery around me changed. I felt some catch me and hold me to their chest as they lowered us down to the floor. Then my sister and Aymeric one of brothers in law appeared in front of me. Meaning Estinien must be the one holding me. See my sister had two mates and from the beginning they'd treat me as their own flesh and blood. When my sister and the other scions got stuck in the first. Aymeric and Estinien were there for me through every step of the way. From making sure I had a safe place to stay, to making sure I would eat, drink and sleep. They never left me, I didn't as so much do a single mission on my own, usually it was Estinien that would come with me. But if he was unavailable or the job required a third Aymeric. Put aside his lord commander duty's for the time and assisted us. Iris took my right hand in hers as Aymeric took my left in both of his. Estinien continued to hold me. Iris finally spoke.

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