When Did We Become Parents? - Estinien Wyrmblood

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Plot - after the first encounter with Fourchenault Leveilleur WoL decides she insult doesn't like him and goes off to blow some steam. Estinien the ever dutiful boyfriend hears that his partner has something uin her mind and follows. Once they return they get back to the inn to witness Fourchenault arguing with his son and daughter.

Megan's PoV

I stood with Alphinaud and Alisaie as their father belittled and spoke down to them instinctively I brought both twin to my side their father not once shutting up and completely driving me up the wall. All of the Scions were protective of the twins because of their young age but myself and Estinien are especially protective of them because they remind us of the family we'd lost in the past but they some how renewed out hope in family and love in that sense. I was considering calling Estinien over the link shell just incase anything got out of hand. As he disowned them I felt my blood boil. I'd had enough I pushed both twins behind me.

Megan - maybe if you didn't have the forum's stick shoved so far up your tight arse you'd actually be able to see the destruction you've caused. They are your children yes but their future and path through life is not something that can be controlled by you and your ways. They are their own people they get to decided their fate and way through life. Not fucking you. Yet despite all that all they have ever done is tried to make you proud when all you do is slap it back in their faces because there choices, values and merits don't align with a vow made by people less knowledgeable years ago. Know this just because you have shunned them does not mean they're alone and that your attempt at gaslighting them will succeed. Because whilst you have barley payed them a second glance and opposed every decision they've made. We the other scions have been by their sides through the good times and the bad. And let me tell you there's no two other teenagers in this entire universe we could be prouder off. So whilst you break your children. We will be here to pick up the pieces and do your fucking job bit for you but for them. Because they deserve better. We will show them love, protection, kindness. We'll be there to guide or support them whenever they need us. You have just disowned the two greatest things to ever have happened in your uptight miserable life. They are teenagers, albeit they have more common sense than most adults you sent them out into the world without a second glance. Now you've seen how they've grown you've chosen to abandon them just because they have started making their own path through life. What type of father disowns his own flesh and blood simply because his children have chosen to save the world, like that have done many of times. To go as far as forbidding then from even seeing their own mother. Your wife yet another person you are attempting to control and go along with your way of life. You miserable narrow minded prick. Let this be your only warning. If you fuck with Alphinaud or Alisaie you will personally have me and the rest of the scions to deal with. Because through our adventures we've all learnt to appreciate and love each other. And we come to the conclusion that family doesn't have to be biological they can be chosen to. And I chose to have the twins as my family and I know Estinien, Thancred, Uriange and all the other scions are of similar minds. You may take you leave now you've finished here.

I watched as he hung his head in shame I knew he knew everything I said to be true but yet he still values his job and reputation more. He left without another word. Once he was gone the twins walked over to me and side hugged me so I hugged them back.

Alisaie - and to think we always joke about you and Estinien basically being our parents when we're on our adventures.
Alphinaud - tis true but we couldn't ask for better role models shall we say.
Megan - for what it's worth me and Estinien both have made similar jokes. And we do think of you as family we would protect you as if you were our own babes. This world isn't always kind but it has given us you two which in turn has brought us fresh hope as I suspect you both know.
Alphinaud - we had our suspicions but would never want to take it over the line so to speak.
Alisaie - he's right we're very grateful for the other scions but you and Estinien have always looked out for us the most.
Megan - well I'm glad you feel the same as us now it's getting late and we're going to need to be well rested come tomorrow. So I shall walk you back to the inn then I'm going to go for a walk to clear my head. Prey tell the others not to worry.
Alisaie - you can count on us.

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