Saving Him - Fred Weasley

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Plot - Megan is Snapes daughter and Fred's Soulmate. The two are somewhat friends after all they were in the same year for 7 years. They had classes together everyday pretty much. But neither of them ever confessed. After Megan saves Fred during the battle but leaves before he can thank her he's spent weeks trying to track her down. What happens when he finally does?

Trigger Warning ⚠️ theres scenes and mentions of self harm, depression and anxiety throughout this chapter. Please do not read if this could trigger you in anyway. If you ever need to talk to me my inbox is always open. This isn't me romanticising these problems this is me finally being able to express the issues that I faced for a long time.

Megan's PoV

I sat in the library. My favourite room in the entire house it's where dad and me would read. In the summer holidays I would sit in here and read the new lesson books. Dad would sit in his arm chair sometimes reading other times waiting to see if I needed help. Any time I needed help he'd be there working through it with me. I remember nights after he found out about the anxiety, the depression and self harm when I'd be having a panic attack or I'd had a nightmare he'd bring me downstairs and make me tea. He'd read to me story's he used to read to me as a kid. Speaking of story's as a kid every night about an hour before bed he'd pull me onto his knee and sit in his arm chair by the fire and read a bedtime story to me. A different one every night nine times out of ten I'd fall asleep in his arms and he'd have to carry me to bed. When Daisy came along she was five years younger than me. Mum left about 2 months after Daisy was born. She couldn't cope with two kids. To be fair she was never around even when I was growing up she would always make dad take me to Hogwarts with him I think she fell out of love with him very early on but stayed with him because of her parents. Once they died she was gone. But dad never once let that stop him. He never once let us be said. He always provided for us and did an amazing job at being both mum and dad for us. I smiled at those memories. Like he learnt the girly shit like how to deal with period pains, what worked for me was always different to what worked for my sister. To be fair she scared me and dad when she got her first period at 10. But it was normal she just developed early. He was always brewing pain potions for the two of us and he even went the extra mile and made them taste nice. Daisy's always tasted of chocolate where as mine always tasted of mint. I stared tearily at his now empty chair. She came to Hogwarts with me during my last year. She'd been sorted into Slytherin just like me and dad. When the second war started dad had Daisy transferred to Beauxbatons Academy of Magic for her second year only the plan was after she'd go back to Hogwarts. Due to a letter sent by dad she was to finish her school year. So I could get the house ready for her return and recover if I needed to. She was retiring later this evening, that reminded me I actually needed to clean up and get ready to start looking after her and mourning with her.

Contemplating everything I wanted the pain to end

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Contemplating everything I wanted the pain to end. I wanted my dad back. I don't know how to function without him. From being a baby he is the only one constant I've had in life. Now he's gone my heart felt like it was being torn in two. On one hand I knew my dad would want me to live my life now. Make a name for myself accomplish all of my dreams. He wanted me to be there for Daisy to raise her like he'd done me. But on the other hand I didn't know if I could do this without him. He was the person who kept me grounded, kept me focused. I kept staring at the blade in my hand occasionally I'd let my eyes drift to my wrists which were already littered with thousands of scars from episodes just like this. Only I'd stopped when my dad found me passed out and close to death one night. He'd done everything in his power to make sure I knew how much he loved and cared about me. Even going as far to get along better with my friends so that wouldn't put any stress on me. He made me swear that I would never do this again. But as the days and nights passed and the wizarding world started returning to normal after the battle I couldn't help but feel stuck in the past. The battle had taken so much from me and put me through so much I had constant nightmares and panic attacks reliving all of the horrible events from that night. The only thing stopping me besides Daisy and my promise to dad was Fred Weasley. I've known he was my soulmate since my mark appeared on my 16th birthday. But I never said anything because who would want to date a freak like me. Why should he be punished by having an emotional wreck as a soulmate. Looking up I saw a picture of my dad, Daisy and me. It was just after I'd graduate Hogwarts. He looked so proud the three of us actually had genuine smiles on our face. The picture moved and he pulled me close and pressed a kiss to my forehead that was it I screamed and threw the razor blade on the table and I broke. I couldn't even pull my knees up so I could cry properly because. I had fractured my knee pretty badly during the battle. I couldn't help but think back to how it happened. As I just let myself break and get it all out.

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