The Azur Dragoons Mate? Estinien FFXIV

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Plot - Megan a half a 22 year old woman. Is half Hyur and half Auri, her father was a Hyur from Limsa Limosa. Whilst her mother a Auri of Xaela descent. Who resided in Kugane her mother passed away when she was just a baby. The officials in Kugane searched for a family member to look after her. The only links they had were her father a good for nothing drunk from Limsa and a half brother who resided in the city of  Sharlayan, with his mentor. Despite him being so young they had no other option nobody would foster or look after her due to her Auri side. Thankfully however her brother and his mentor had no qualms about taking her in. This is her story.

I sat on the airship with my head resting on my brothers shoulder as we traveled to the city of Ishgard. Official Scion Business my brother and I needed to meet Lilith here, she's the Warrior of Light and also my brothers girlfriend. I to am blessed with the power of the echo but in a different way entirely. Oh who am I, by the twelve.., mayhap it's time I introduced myself. My names is Megan Waters, I'm a 22 year old woman of Hyur and Aura descent. I was born in Kugane my mother passed when I was only three summers old. My mum was a highly respected woman in Kugane. She was an Xaela who left our native lands in Doma to peruse her dream. The people of Kugane loved my mum and the skills she was able to teach them regarding ninja training. However the people there did not take to kindly to me. Since I'm only half Auri I have different features to that of a pure Auri. Whilst I have a black tail showing my xalae heritage,  my tail still has spikes  spiked yet they were more smooth despite my scales. I don't have the typical Auri horns either. I had ears much like elevens do but the points of my ears down to about half way down my ear were covered in scales though to the less informed it looks like I was wearing ear cuffs. My scales however I have significantly less than any other Auri I have met. Those I do have are just as tough as the others but they are sort of translucent they only patches I have are a small cluster spanning down from my horns to my spine which continues all the way to my tail. I have two patches on each wrist which are shaped somewhat like a bracelet I have two smaller patches on my hips that lead down my stomach. Healers have made a few discoveries regarding my scales they seem to appear in places a dragon would consider a vulnerable place, so they are their to protect such places. The other signs of my Auri were my finger nails they looked slightly like claws which I rather liked and then my eyes I have steely blue eyes with a light grey lumbral ring around both, just like my mum the most outer part of the ring was black. I never met my father and if I were to the only thing I would say is thank you for blessing me with an older brother as incredible as Thancred now kindly leave. Thancred was only 13 summers old when I was brought to him in Sharlayan. He and our mentor Louisoix Leveilleur didn't hesitate to take me in and raise me. Thancred had always been a protective older brother. He shared his room with me, held my hand when we went to new places, learnt about me, and things that I deal with so he could help me. He stopped the bullies as we grew up and even now when someone has the cheek to say something about me he's the first there to protect me. Now like I was saying like our Warrior of Light, Lilith I to have the power of the echo, Hydaelyn reached out to me when I was forced to partake in the gift. When Thancred was captured by the Asacians I was to. Though unlike Thancred I was handed over to the imperials rather than used as a pawn. They experimented on me and forced me to take the gift of echo. I really struggled with it at first the memories, the emotions, the pain I felt from everyone, even that of my own brother. But alongside Lilith, Minfilia our leader begged for Hydaelyn to help me, to lead me as one of her own and that she did. Now I have more control over it and can wield it like they both do. Now enough about me let us continue our journey.

The wind picked up as we got higher into the mountains of Ishgard. We needed to meet Lilith and a close friend of hers to help with some issues they had been having. I shivered as the cold bit viciously against my skin. Thancred noticed instantly and wrapped his arm around me and pulled me into his side.

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