My Mate, My Pup - Hyunjin

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Promt - Megan and Hyunjin are mates, though they have never seen each other they have met once before because of a medical program. Due to that medical program failing. They now have a child together, after 3 years of searching they have both find each other and a meeting is set up. How will everything turn out. Moving in with one and other, looking after their pup. As well as taking in another eventually.

Warnings - ABO, omegaverse, alpha and omega dynamics. Mating, marking. Not planed pregnancy. Mating experiment gone wrong. Near death experience. Sex, Knotting, dubious consent.  Non idol au.

Hyunjin's PoV

My name's Hyunjin. I'm 22 years old and I'm an Alpha, me and the rest of my friends are what you'd call shifters. We are part wolves no we aren't werewolves, we turn into actual wolves when we shift. My best way of describing it would be the wolf pack from twilight. However inaccurate it maybe. See Stray Kids aren't just my friends their my pack. Me and the boys are all alphas. Our job is to make a pack and protect us as well as find our mates and love and protect them. Me, Chan, Minho and Changbin are what's know as a Prime Alpha. To put it simply we're the strongest alphas. Our genetics are stronger than the regular alpha. So we tend to be more protective of the pack especially because they are the younger ones. We live together, hunt together and protect one and other. Everyone else in the pack has met their mates. Bang Chans mate is a Beta called Emaan. Minho's mate is another beta called Sam. Changbins mate is Phoebe she's an omega. Jisung's mate is another beta called Daisy, Felix's mate is the second omega of our pack and she's called Rachel. Seungmin's mate is Jemma she's a beta. Jeongin's mate is Jayne she's also a beta.

Around 4 years ago I was contacted by one of the local mating expert groups. Since I haven't found my mate by the age of 18 the government offer to step in and provide ways to help you find your mate. I signed up for the program. It was about giving my omega a piece of my dna and her giving me a piece of hers that way it would be easier to track each other because of our own scents. About 2 months after agreeing to the project I was picked up and taken to a hospital like building. I stayed there for 3 days they ran a lot of tests on me. Gave me some medications and other stuff. But finally the day came. Where the dna exchange would happen. My world turned upside down instantly when a very snarky old doctor told me that the only way to do this was to have sex with my mate. Meaning we'd be mating. The catch however we weren't allowed to see each other, i as an alpha couldn't mark her. We could exchange forenames but not surnames. I remember so vividly trying to stop this I didn't want to mate with her for the first time like this. I wanted to meet and get to know her first. Prove to her that I would be the best alpha for her I could be. That I would love her provide for her and protect her. But the same snarky doctor from before told me he'd already given me and my mate the drug. Apparently it would heighten our senses to each other. The only way to get it out our systems was to mate. He assured me that she'd been given heat grade contraception. So there was no chance for an accident as he called it. Hearing hun refer to my possible pup as an accident and a mistake sent me into a rage. I growled and he soon backed off.

We had to go through with the experience I remembered having what can only be described as a bag put over my head. As I was lead into the room I could smell my mate. My alpha was fighting so hard she smelled so good. She smelt of cinnamon , coffee and oranges. My primal instincts took over out of nowhere. Just wanted to knot her then and there. But I controlled myself as best I could. I told her my name and age. She told me her name was Megan she was 18 to but is two months younger than me. She asked me to hug her first. So I instantly pulled her to my chest. I could smell that she was nervous so I instantly used my scent to calm her down. I smelt the familiar scent of me flow around the room. Coffee, Leather and Orange Blossoms. She asked me through tears if I could scent her first. Instantly I agreed. I could sense something was wrong. But we didn't have time. The medication was affecting us both. The man was pretty much shouting at us through the speakers, threatening us. Threatening her. She told me to please just do it she didn't want to get hurt again. My alpha was going insane but because of the restraints I couldn't do much. She was a virgin I remember her crying as I sank into her. I apologised constantly telling her I'm sorry how this had happened for the first time. That when we met again I'd make it all up to her. She whimpered back that it wasn't my fault. After knotting her we both passed out. Then when I woke up I was back in the bedroom from before. My alpha was so pissed I went on a rampage to the point they instantly called Chan, Minho and Changbin to come get me thinking that would help. As soon as they saw the state I was in and listened to me they also flipped. The project was run by humans they didn't know what they had just done. Megan would without doubt drop into omega space. Which is when she needed me her alpha to help her and comfort her. Getting no where Chan and Minho dragged me and Changbin out and we went home. I was trying to pick up my scent or Megan's scent the entire walk to the car. But I couldn't pick it up. It went in like this for what felt like an eternity. I couldn't find her.

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