The Tale of Two Assasins

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Plot - Megan is the adopted daughter of Veezera. She has been raised by the dark brotherhood and him from being 2 years old. She's now 21 and a fierce assassin herself. Her best friend is Sky he's the son of Astrid and Arbjorn. Sky is 25 years old and he to has been raised in the company of the assassins since he was born. The two friends are incredibly close and everyone bar them can see the chemistry between the two of them. What happens when sky get captured.

Megan's PoV

I woke up to someone shaking me awake. I groaned and rubbed my eyes. I looked to my left and saw Babette. This is the most worried I've ever see her. I sat up instantly. Shivering as the cold bit through my light oversized cotton tunic. Babette noticed and wrapped my furs around me.

Megan - Babette what's happened

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Megan - Babette what's happened. You look like you've seen a ghost.
Babette - someone just found the door to the sanctuary but rather than trying to get in they just left a letter and told the door to make sure we got it.
Megan - what did it say.
Babette - I'm sorry dear but they've taken Sky.
Megan - they've done what. Who is they. Do we know where he is. How long has he been missing. I thought he was on a contract.
Babette - Calm down and let me finish.

I nodded at her and she sat on my with me. Taking my hands in hers.

Babette - he was on a job. But on his way home a group of ex mercenaries calming to be working for someone called Nazeem. They've had him for about 5 hours now. They want to bargain with Astrid they want to trade him for you. The rest of the guild is going insane out in the main chamber.
Megan - that low life price of shit I swear I'll end his fucking miserable existence.
Babette - and here the others thought you wouldn't take it well.
Megan - what
Babette - they were worried it would upset you.
Megan - it has. That fucker has Sky.
Babette - they meant as in so upset you couldn't function.
Megan - why would that happen.
Babette - because you love him for Talos sake.
Megan - I... what...
Babette - please don't deny it. You know I'm smarter than that. I can read you and him like a book. You both love each other so much more than a friend does but neither of you say anything incase the other doesn't feel the same. Which is fucking extremely tiring for the rest of us. So believe me when I say this. Once we've saved him. If you two haven't confessed by the time you get back I'm going to lock you both in the night mothers coffin until you confess. Who knows maybe she'll come back to life and talk some sense into you both.
Megan - I... what in Devine name do I even say to that.
Babette - something along the line of you and Sky will be a couple by the time you get home. Now let's go meet the others I assume you want to be part of the mission.
Megan - even if I wasn't officially part of the mission I'd still follow them and join in.
Babette - that's my girl. Now let's go.

I got out of bed and grabbed some boots I slipped them on and followed Babette out into the corridor. I couldn't help but look across at Sky's  empty room right next to mine. Babette looked at me with sympathy in her eyes. See we may be a band of cold hearted killers but we have rules and we care for our little slightly dysfunctional family. I shook of the feelings and followed Babette. The others were still debating something. Cicero was saying to leave Sky that he didn't deserve to be saved. I felt my blood boil at his words and before anyone could react I'd sipped past Babette and everyone else and I held the stupid fucking jester to the wall by his throat. I kept Mehrunes Razor placed at his throat.

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