Nightmares M.Shadows

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Promt - Matt crashes at Megan's after a night out. Megan ends up having a nightmare and wakes up crying in the middle of a panic attack. Getting Matts attention in the process. Will she tell Matt the truth or will she keep her feeling to herself.

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Megan's PoV

* Dream *

I was walking home the night sky had turned everything pitch black. I couldn't see 5 feet in front of me. All of a sudden a hand clasped around my mouth and waist and dragged me into a building. They tied my hand together and then tied me to an x shaped thing. When the lights came on I could see Matt in a pool of blood on the floor he was being forced to look at me. They kept asking him for something but he wouldn't give it up so they beat him. I was crying begging them to stop and to leave him alone trying to convince them they had the wrong person.  Until one of the men smiled sickly.

Man - if we can't beat it out of you maybe if we beat up your girl you'll tell us.
Matt - leave her alone.
Megan - Matt don't tell them. Please don't tell them.
Matt - there gonna hurry you.
Megan - I don't care about that. You know you need to keep that a secret. Whatever they do to me don't tell them anything.

Those were the last words I could get out before they started beating the shit out of me. Occasionally taking breaks to ask Matt if he would give up. He kept looking at me and I kept shaking my head. Not wanting to give them the information. By now I could feel my ribs were broken as was one of my wrist. I had a cut on my forehead and my lip was completely split. My nose was busted open. Every time I tried to breathe I choked on blood.

Man - this isn't working let's try things this way.

Just then he stabbed a knife into my leg and proceeded to use the same knife to cut my jeans off my he started touching my thighs saying horrible degrading humiliating things. As he went to remove my underwear Matt screamed.

Matt - please stop I'll tell you. Please don't hurt her anymore she has nothing to do with this.
Megan - Matt
Matt - it's okay love.

Matt told them the information they wanted and they just laughed they threw Matt to the side and pressed a button before leaving.

Man - you two might want to leave soon before it goes boom

He laughed and closed the door behind him as Matt scrambled to his feet and checked the timer. I heard the door lock. I looked over at the clock and saw the time. We had 3 minutes to get out of here.

Megan - Matt go please
Matt - no I'm not leaving you.

He staggered over to me and started to untie me. He helped me down but because of the stab wound I. My leg I crumbled to the floor. He bent down and picked me up as he headed to the other door. He set me down and kicked at it with all his might as it gave he pulled me through the door just as the blast went off.

* end of dream *

Matts PoV

I was staying at Megs house tonight since I'd had a lot to drink and she didn't want me to risk going home on my own. She always was such a sweetheart. It's one of the many many reasons I fell for her in the first place. I wish ever day I had the courage to tell her I loved her that I wanted her to be mine but I always backed down. She never showed any signs of feeling the same and I couldn't bare to lose her if she didn't. So I swallowed my feelings and stuck to being best friends with her. However it was now 4am and the alcohol had all warn off but I woke up with a dry mouth so I headed into the kitchen to get a drink. On my way back to the guest room I heard the most ear shattering heart breaking scream come from Megan's room.

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