Chapter 18

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Percy POV

Nyx and I have spent hours in her counsel room trying to figure out how to get to the heart of Tartarus without being caught. Unfortunately, getting through Tartarus without attracting his attention is a little more difficult than we thought.

"What do you mean its impossible to travel through Tartarus without being spotted by Tartarus himself, couldn't you shroud us with some darkness or something?"

"Easier said than done Percy, it's one thing to hide from Zeus and another to hide from darkness"

"What does that even mean?"

"It means that it's impossible to hide from Tartarus IN Tartarus"

"Then how do you suggest we travel his domain Nyx?"

"We don't"

"Come again? We sort of have too"

"Not exactly Percy, we simply have to bend space and time"

"What are you suggesting?"

"I'm suggesting that we should meet my brother Chronos, primordial god of time. If anyone knows how to travel without being caught, it would be him. It's sort of hard to capture a guy who rides the currents of time."

"Great, so how do we find him?"

"We don't, he's already here" turning her gaze to the empty space of the room "Isn't that right brother?"

A portal of swirling cerulean light formed on the wall and out came a man sharing Nyx's flawless mid-twenties feature.

"You always seem to know when I'm watching over you sister"

"Of course I do, when dealing with you for a millenia, I've grown accustomed to your tricks" Nyx responded

Turning his gaze me, a quizzical expression formed on his face "Who are you?"


"Percy?" He said in a confused tone as if it was the first time he was ever suprised. "I don't remember a Percy like you"

"Brother what do you mean a Percy like him?"

"I mean, Percy here has no marks in the flow of time. He does not appear in any segment of time as if he exists out of time"

"How so?" I asked

"I don't know exactly how. Even Nyx and I have recorded traces in time,but you seem to have none. The only other person I know who has no mark in time is father Chaos and we all know that father just recently met you"

He walks up to me and lays out his hands "May I?" asking for my permission.

Nodding, I place my hands in his and his eyes flashed a sapphire light. "I cannot see... Its all darkness. The farthest time can ever get is when you woke up in the forest near Camp Half-blood. Beyond that, you cease to exist at all."

His eyes returned to normal and he stares into my eyes as if trying to search for an answer that does not exist. "This must be father's work, he is the only person capable of performing such a feat"

Stepping back, he assumes a thinking position, playing with his stubble as he is in deep thought.

"Brother aside from this revelation, you know why we called you. We need your help to travel to Tartarus, with Tartarus knowing."

"Of course, under one condition"

"That is?" I asked reluctantly

"I come along with you and Nyx"

"You want to join us?" Nyx said suprised "Why?"

"Isn't it obvious, it's an opportunity for us to finally interfere directly in mortal affairs. By temporarily taking up half of our being, we become equivalent to minor gods and godesses. Therefore, we can make direct contact due to this war involving both divine and mortal beings"

"Is that trye Nyx? You both can join me directly in this quest?" I asked

"In theory that is, but I'm still not sure. If Chronos is right then we would be able to help you, but if he's not... We'd be faded for breaking ancient law" Nyx said worriedly "Hell fuck it" she laughed

"Well now since we've agreed that we'd break the code, lets get going" Chronos said and conjured a two crystals. "To become minor beings, Nyx, you and I have to simply transfer half of our powers into the crystal" giving the other crystal to Nyx.

They began to focus and I saw their bodies beginning to glow and some of their light receding into the stone.


"If only we had a map of this place, its enormous! How in Chaos are we going to find the Olympians in a place like this" I exclaimed

"Percy it's not that hard really, we use the shadows, the place is basically filled with them" Nys answered and places her hands into a shadowed covered wall.

"Who are you three trespassers! Guardsman we have intruders!"

"Well this is going to be fun" Chronos said smirking, while taking out his obsidian sword.

A black arrow flew through the air and precisely hit the a guardsman directly on his forehead and he disintegrated into dust. "They can always try" said Nyx

A horde of demonic goblin like creatures with pikes and axes came flooding into the hall. Charging towards us, one of them blew a battle horn alerting the entire fortress. So much for not being spotted.

"Nyx you have to find the Olympians while we still have the chance, Percy and I can draw all the attention at this point of the fortress!"

With that she nodded and she dissolved into the air shadow leaving us with a bunch of angry goblins.

Drawing out Glamdring, I charged towards the horde followed by Chronos.

"Watch yourself Percy, these are Rukei, they are just as strong as any minor god"

Our blades met with the cursed monsters' and Chronos was right, these are some really tough sons of bitches. Since Chronos was less of his primordial status, he was beginning to get frustrated.

I catch sight of another horde rushing towards us and I glance towards Chronos and he gives me a hurried nod. I burst out of the crowd and run at full speed. Focusing a surge of energy to my fist, I then unleash it towards the roaring horde, forming a fist of blue light which came colliding the front flank which in turn forcing back the entire horde.

A few of them were able to get up and come after me. One gripped its sword and swung it towards my neck, but I ducked the blow and immediately bury my blade into its chest and pulling it out quickly to swiftly slice off the second goblin's legs. The goblin began to spew green blood from his sliced-off legs and began to squeal in pain as I ended its life by piercing its heart.

Two goblins took this opportunity to try and kill me while I was busy, so they tackled me down. One held me down and the other prepared to drive a blade through my chest, but I willed light to burst out of my eyes, blinding them and making them stumble back. Temporarily blind, I took the chance to quickly kill them.

Turning back to look at Chronos, I see him fighting a giant goblin. Taking his spike club, he swings it towards Chronos, but he dodges it by stubling back. Going for a finishing blow, the huge club descends down, but suddenly in a flash of steel Chronos dives forward slicing its scaly arm, making it rear back and spew with green blood.

Taking his sword, he jumps onto the giant's back and drives his sword through his skull.

"I think I'm getting the hang of this"


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