Chapter 11

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Percy POV

I open my eyes. My vision blurry and my head is throbbing with a searing pain that spreads throughout the rest of my body. I try to raise myself up, but my body is failing me. 'What a humiliating position'

"Don't even bother, we tried already to heal your body with ambrosia but your body rejected and we were left helpless. It's unusual for a demigod to not be keen to food of the gods, unless your not human. We checked don't worry, your not a monster because if you were, we would killed you already." A blonde boy told me as he entered the tent....

Wait?!? Why am I in a tent? Who is this guy?

"Judging from the look on your face, your confused about where you are. Let me shed light on you. You and your friends are currently in my tent laying on my bed."

Friends? I turn to my side and I see familiar faces sleeping comfortably besides me. Reyna and... actually I still don't know her sister's name. Reyna looks so pretty I just want to continue laying with her.

"Uhh-umm.." The guy interrupts me and I turn back to him, and I see he's a little annoyed by my recent distraction. "As I was saying, I found your friends passed out on the shores of Alcatraz, so I brought you all back to my camp. Lastly, my name is Jason. Jason Grace." and he extends his hands forward.

Okay, I know what to do now. Shake the hand. "Hi, my names Percy" and I smile at him. I see a glimpse of what would have become a smile, but I see that he suppresses it. Shame, he would've looked adorable.

He forcefully pulls me up, violently and pins me to the ground with his golden sword drawn to my neck. "Who are you really? Before I came to you, I saw you glowing in a blue light with your foot holding a man down. Then I saw something even more weird happen. You raised our sword and it glimmered in the same light but even more intense with lightning forming around you and you pierced the man in the heart with it. And... he faded, he fuckin faded. Your light continued to grow but something in your neck spread throughout your body and took the light away, knocking you. Who are you really? I would guess that your a son of Apollo, but no son of Apollo can conjure lightning unless your a son of Jupiter like... like me. What have you got to say!?!" he interrogated me, his face burning red in anger.

My hands went underneath his shirt, my hands tracing his stomach. Is it normal to like these six bumps defining his stomach. I look up and Jason has a shocked expression plastered on his face, "I told you already Jason, my name is Percy. Whether you believe me or not is all on you." I pull him closer to my face, eye to eye. "I really like this position Jace. Don't you?"

He doesn't respond he just continues to stare into m eyes and to my... lips. I bite my lip seductively and he grins. He grins! He leans in...



"Well good morning to you all too." said Reyna's sister.

I push Jason off and walk towards Reyna's sister as if nothing happened, "Hi, I believe we haven't formally introduced ourselves. I'm Percy" I tell her, while giving her a wide smile.

"You're a little weird. You're lucky you're adorable." she states and I blush. She gets off Jason's bed and shakes my hand, "My name Hylla."

"Who are you all?" I hear Jason question.

I was about to answer but Hylla places her hand on my shoulder, signaling me to stay quiet. "I am Hylla and this is my sister Reyna," she points to Reyna "We are daughters of the Roman goddess of war, Bellona." she states with pride.

"And him?" he points to me with his sword. 'I thought we were beginning to be friends'

"What about him?" she asks mockingly.

I can tell he's annoyed but he's trying to keep his cool. 'Are Romans usually this aggressive?'. 

"He calls himself Percy. Yet he claims that he knows nothing about his formal past." Jason states

"His name is Percy, indeed. His past... well I don't know either but--" Hylla says but is cut off.

"--he's a very powerful warrior. He killed/faded the titan Oceanus." Reyna speaks and Hylla nods at her.

 Jason turns to me and walks towards me and the sisters take out their daggers. He stands in front of me with his sword drawn, "Attack and I'll cut you down boy" Reyna spits out, ready to strike. I prepare as well, as I ready to conjure Glamdring. He doesn't attack and his face softens, and he sheathes his sword. Takes my left hand and holds it, "I'm sorry for being an ass. Thank you for fighting on our side." he plants a kiss on it. As he faces me again, I can see that his cheeks are red and that he's a little embarrassed. Reyna steps between us, "Back-off, Percy is mine." 'She's so beautiful when she's angry.'

Reyna and Jason begin to argue but my mind drifts off and I tune everything out. I can see them arguing, while Hylla tries to break off the fight; but, I can't hear anything. It's like the whole world is moving and I'm simply a spectator watching.

"Percy" I hear a familiar voice call me.

"Annabeth?" I ask

"Yah it's me. Hay where are you? Monsters are over running Manhattan, our forces are being surrounded, we need you Perce."

"I'm sorry, I got mixed into a mess. Don't worry Annabeth, I met Poseidon and he told me that his forces will arrive to aid you any moment now. You all need to endure. As for me, he ordered me to deal with some things and I'm currently in the West Coast."

"How in Hades did you even get there?... Never mind. Perce be careful okay and you better come back. Me and Nico really miss you."

'I really do miss these two. Annabeth's pretty grey eyes and Nico's adorable smile' "I promise. I will return tomorrow"

"I'll hold you to that promise Perce. Alright, the monsters are attacking again, I need to return to the battle front. See yah Seaweed Brain"

"Percy, uhmm... Grover died buying the campers time to retreat. I'm sorry."


"I'm going to end this. Goodbye Annabeth"

The world begins to form back to it's original function and I begin to gain back my sense of hearing. I can hear Reyna, Hylla, and Jason still arguing.

"Enough!" I order them and they turn back to me with shocked expressions. I release that I'm in my leather armor, the same armor I wore in the Queen Andromeda.

"We're in war, this is no time to be arguing over my affections. You are all warriors, not children. Get yourself together, we have titans to beat. Jason lead me to the war tent." They begin to feel guilty and get their act together. Hylla and Reyna get their weapons together and head out of the tent, "We're going to sharpen our weapons and get some armor, we'll meet later" I nod and they're off.

"Yah, sorry about that. Follow me." He straps on his armor and fixes his sword.


We approach a giant red & golden tent. I assume this is the war tent.

"We're here Percy. Okay so this army is pretty much ran by the leaders of each legion. I have my own legion, so don't worry about being attacked, I'll be right behind you" he informs me and I nod. We begin to enter, but he halts.

"Oh and we have a legacy, his name is Octavian and he's of Apollo. He gets pretty insensitive so try not to take what he says personally" Jason says.

"He'd be smart if he doesn't open his mouth." I say.

Jason laughs, "True"

Inside held a large circular table in it with a group of people around it. There stood a blonde boy holding a cut up stuffed bear. "Why does that guy have a bear in his hands?" I ask Jason.

"That is Octavian. He uses those things to communicate with gods. I don't know how it works but hay, I'm not a son or descendant of Apollo"

"No, but your his brother right"


We both take seat

"And who in Tartarus are you?!?" Octavian asked me.

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