Chapter 2

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Rick Riodan has Copyrights

Percy lays flat in the middle of the forest. His entire body aches and he doesn't know why. His eyes try to open but his vision is unclear. His mind clouded while Chaos ever so watchful in the skies above. 

Chaos POV

"Lord Chaos, Percy is fine, just a little fazed from the Converger" Grover states.

"I should have never let this happen. Percy is going to get hurt" My expression tired. 

Thinking Back to What Happened

After I unlocked his essence Percy landed on the floor .

Out of nowhere a beautiful light surrounds his form. I knew what light this was, for it was the very same light that appeared when the world came into being. It's the light of Creation, all things but me and Percy yield to it. It is the mother and father of all that exists after me and Percy and it was at that moment, Percy's true form was revealed to me:

Percy, Primordial God of Creation.

Tears soon formed in my eyes, stricken by joy and at that moment I knew; Percy was destined to renew the world in the likeness of perfection.

"Grover, I am sending you down there. You are assigned to be his Guardian until the prophecy is complete. You will take the form of a satyr and be registered in that 'Camp'." 

"How am I suppose to protect him in such a weak form?" Grover asked confused and scared

"Your job is not to protect him, but to counsel him and direct his path" I tell him and I turn around willing dark energy to surround me as I enter the void to rest. 

Percy POV

'The fuck is going on, my entire body hurts' I think to myself

I get up trying to ignore the stinging feeling that has enveloped my entire body. I look around and I see that I am surrounded by trees and I thought, 'forest'.

"Great, not only am I in pain but lost!" sarcastically

I turn around, I am faced with this a Minotaur. "Really a Minotaur!!" 

I pick myself up and bolt for it. I bombard myself with questions like 'how did i get here?' 'where did i come from?' 'Why is this minotaur trying to kill me?' 'Did I do something wrong to make it mad?' 

Its catching up quickly with me. 'For something so big, it sure is fast'.

As I continue to run, I see in the far distance, a huge archway stating something on it. I think it says Camp Half-blood. 'What is a half-blood?' I thought to myself. But then I remembered that Im currently not in the position to research about it; I just know that I have to get there. 

The Minotaur jumps into the air after it picks up speed and it hovers over me. It lands right on front of the archway. 

"Great, now I really have to deal with this mothafucker" I mutter to myself. How am I suppose to kill this thing? Its HUGE!!! I halt a few yards away from the beast. I look around trying to find a way to slide past this demon before it gets me. Of course, theres no way around it. Then I suddenly see across the archway... a satyr?? He looks very familiar, have I met him before?

He seems to be trying to mouth something to me but Im not getting it. The Minotaur is preparing to charge 'goodbye cruel world'.

I look over again and the satyr seems to be pointing to my wrist and I see this adamantine bracelet around it.

'Where did this come from?' I thought. He seems to be trying to tell me to press the diamond button on it. So I do.

When I press it, my body begins to flicker in an array of gold white light. As it fades away I am dressed in a white cloak and in my left hand is a white oak staff and to my right hand is a familiar sword. 

The sword reads Glamdring and a vision of memories hit me. I see myself training with this exact sword and all my abilities come back to me, my hand being familiar to the grip. 'Who am I?' I ask myself.

I feel light radiating off my body as I levitate and my eyes glow with power. Starting to freak myself out, I will the light to diminish. Soon my body is no longer radiating; which is good because it'll be a little weird walking around shining all the time that would be annoying.

The minotaur seems to be a little uneasy with my transformation. This is good because now I think I have a chance. 

It charges with incredible speed.

My body seems to be very familiar with battle. I don't know why though.

I will myself to levitate upward dodging the charging Minotaur and it hits the tree, its horn stuck on it. I giggle to myself. As it breaks off from the tree, I see one horn missing and I see that it is left stuck on the tree. I lift my staff forward and it pulls my form and I charge straight to the Minotaur. I raise my sword, and light forms around it making it glow and I thrust it forward. 

It hits directly between the Minotaurs eyes. And so it explodes into dust and the wind blows it away.

"That was a rush" I say to myself as I walk to the horn stuck on the tree. I use my staff to pull it forward to me and stuff it in my pocket. 'Souvenir!'. I press my bracelet, my form returning to black jeans, red shirt, and converse.

I suddenly feel light headed and I grow tired. I collapse to the ground; the last thing I see is the satyr running to me yelling "You'll be okay! 

I black out.

Grover POV

That was amazing! He completely made fighting the Minotaur look like child's play. I run towards him.

He seems to be reverting back to his previous form. But...

Uh-Oh he seems to be getting dizzy. He falls to the ground.

"You'll be okay!" I yell.

I carry him. For someone who is one of the most powerful person in the world, he is very light. I rush towards camp and I see that everyone is looking at Percy.

"Whos that kid?" "Was he the one we heard fighting that Minotaur?" I wonder whats his name" I hear campers say to one another. I chuckle

"Boy Percy, you didn't have to try to get everybodys attention" I say to his sleeping figure.

I rush him to the infirmary and lay him on one of the beds. Soon children of Apollo start tending to him. 

"Is he okay?" I ask

"Yah, he's just out cold. All he needs is rest" one of them say as she pours ambrosia into his mouth. They soon leave him and I stay behind watching over him.

"Grover?" a deep voice comes from behind.

It turn around, "Oh hey Chiron. This is the kid that we heard the noise coming from" I say

Chiron looks at the kid. "He's not even injured? How is this?"

I tell him exactly what happened in the battle, but not telling him about the whole radiating light thing, just the whole killing thing. I need to keep Percy's true identity a secret.

Chiron nods and thinks to himself. "He will awaken soon. I need you to stay put here until he wakes" Chiron orders me. I nod and Chiron leaves the Infirmary. 

"Percy, wake up" I whisper

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