Chapter 14

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Jason POV

Am I so naive that I have allowed the idea that everything that has happen to me up to this point was all because of my power? That I was able to lead the forces of New Rome against Mt. Othrys because of my will and strength.


It was all because of the power given to me by Percy. My friend... the one true lord.

Crius is ready to plunge his sword through my heart and I lay hear weak, powerless. How did I allow myself to be subjected to this humiliation? I refuse to fail New Rome... to fail Percy.

"Be gone son of Jupiter"

'Percy, hear my plea. Renew my strength and allow me the use of even the smallest of a fraction of your power. My life is in your hands'

I feel the tip of Crius's sword hit my chest, but the sword does not pierce through. I open my eyes to see why?

"What is this boy? What are you doing?"

I feel a surge of energy rush through and I push Crius back a couple yards away from me. Wow. This power is amazing, I feel like I can tear down mountains and split seas.

"What ever you did, will not prevent your death! It will only delay it!" 

Crius shoots a beam of power directly towards me. 

"Lift your hands Jason" I hear Percy's voice in my mind and I obey,

The beam hits my hands, but it does not burn. My hands are... absorbing the blast and soon enough the beam vanishes. 

"Impossible" Crius spats.

"Nothing is Impossible Crius" I respond.

I charge at him conjuring a sword and sheld both made of pure lightning. He is shocked but he recovers and responds by charging back. We both collide, but my force overwhelms Crius and he hits the ground with my sword threatening to slice his neck. 

"Regardless of your new found strength demigod, I am still a Titan and you cannot kill me" he laughs.

It is true, Crius is still a Titan, immortal. What do I do?

"Pierce your sword through his skull. Send him back to Tartarus" I hear Percy's voice advise me again. 

Is Percy really this powerful. That he can send a Titan back to Tartarus easily? Yet I obey him and plunge my sword throught his skull and he is utterly shocked. He begins to scream in pain as the electricity burns his skull.

"What is this power?!? It burns!" 

"By the power of my lord, Crius I banish you back to Tartarus!" I say in a voice of authority.


Crius's body begins to shine and in an instance, his body explodes.

The Titan of the South is no more. 

The explosion causes me to fall back and stumble, but it was nothing I couldn't handle. All that remains of Crius is a black spot on the floor. 

"Jason you did it!" I hear someone congratulate me from behind. I turn and see Reyna, Octavian, the Roman war council and the entire legion run up to me. 

"Hail Jason, Son of Jupiter!" the legion chants and I flush from embarrassment.

"Looks like we'll have a new "permanent" praetor of New Rome" Octavian says unenthusiastically, but it figures that he's not happy about it. He's always been power hungry.

"Look guys it was only through the power of P--" I was caught off by the sudden shaking of the palace. 

"Mount Orthrys is collapsing, we have to evacuate now!" Reyna shouts and the entire squadron.

"How? The exits have tumbled! There is no way out!" Octavian panics and soon the rest of the legion follows. 

'Olympus, what do I do!' 

"Jason I have an idea." Reyna tells me

"What is it?" I ask

"We should combine the remaining energy that Percy gave us so we can transport everyone out"

"You really think that would work, I mean... We might not have enough to do so" 

"We have to try at least"

"Alright. So what do we do?" 

"I have a spell that I learned from Circe's island, with enough juice from Percy, I think I'll be able transport everyone out. Place your hands on my back and focus on transferring me your remaining energy from Percy" 

"Fea Hecate amin  ten' lle i' val Lotesse poldora sira e' yuuyo du ar' dome auta a' lye ilya tuulo' sina aica gorga ar'  lye n'alaquel a' New Rome" Reyna chants and everyone turns to her.

"Everyone stay still, Reyna is going to take us all back" I order and everyone calms down and hope for the best.

Everyone begins to glow and I realize that the spell is beginning to take effect, but the walls are cracking and are about to come tumbling down.

"Reyna please hurry" I plea

"I-I need-d more p-power" 

With that I begin to give her some of my natural life force.

"J-Jason no, you might die!" 

"I have to, its for safety of everyone"

"Then I'll do the same. Together!"


TIme and space begins to warp and change. We begin to move so fast that everything just looks blurry and my vision is beginning to fail me. I'm beginning to get tired. 

"J-Just a little more" I say.

We arrive at the shores of Little Tiber, but Reyna and I black out. 

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