Chapter 15

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Artemis POV

"Everyone charge! For Olympus!" I screamed at the peak of my voice and all of our forces charged along with me. Kronos has assembled all of his army to strike one last time, the final battle has finally begun. The fate of this world now lays on the tip of a knife, all hell will break out this day. 

Everything--shield, sword, spear, armor-- is clanking and shuffling as we make our dash to meet the forces of evil. A flood of emotions--anger, fear, sadness-- surges througout the army, but by the grace of fate we persevere. Let this be the day in which the courage of Olympus triumph. 

The armies of Kronos stand their positions, with hilt of their spears on the ground and their blades directed towards us. They intend to meet our charging armies with the wicked weapons they carry, very well. 

I must create an opening for us, I cannot let their spears be the first and last thing the brave soldiers of Olympus see in battle. 

"Archers, bows up!" I order. Ranks are formed behind me, consisting of my hunters and the campers. 

"Draw your bows!" The thrilling sound of arrows loaded meets my ear, exciting me. I load my silver bow as well.

"FIRE!" and all bows release their arrow. The great volley of arrows fill the sky and even blocking the sun. Every arrow meets the front lines of the army of Kronos, many of them bursting into dust and spear crashing down on the floors. 

They soon learn and the demigods that have betrayed Olympus have rushed forth with their shields and blocking the arrows from meeting the remaining spearmen. Many of them begin to bring out spears and fill-in the empty spots our arrows have cleared. 

It appears as if the volley of arrows never happened and it makes my blood boil. Darkness begins to cover the sky and rain pours out from the heavens. This battle will be fought in darkness and water. 

The armies of Olympus finally meet the armies of Othrys in a grand collisions. Spears pierce through the flesh of demigods, satyrs, and centaurs. Celestial Bronze meet the hides of monsters and dust fill the battlefield, claws slashing the flesh of demigods. Swords clash and break, spears splinter. 

An endless array of violence and death fills the air. The other Olympians dive into the pool of monster, wrecking havoc in their path. Zues, Poseidon, and Hades charge towards Kronos, Hyperion, and Prometheus. A blast of energy continues to explode when those six fought, but everyone is too busy to look for a blade can be found being swung everywhere. 

Screams and smell of acid meet my nose. I turn and see a Lydian Drakon slaying many campers and centaurs. I prepare to charge at it, but a hand pulls me back so I take my dagger and slash it back. It turns out to just be Apollo and he uses his dagger to deflect mine. 

"What the heck are you doing Apollo?!" I ask furiously

"Sorry big sis but its would be no use to atack it because a child of Ares is destined to slay the Lydian Drakon" he tells me

"Then wh--" I was about to ask but a warrior came charging on a chariot bearing the seal of Ares. She bears the spear Maimer and attacks the Drakon.

"Seems like she's the one that going to kill that thing. Well, see you later sis, I got monsters to kill" Apollo tells me and he charges back into the battlefield. 

I followed the child of Ares in order to help her tear this beast down. I let loose a volley of arrows striking down many monsters coming across my path, while she naturally takes her sword and hacks down many monsters down the path. Taking her spear she jumps on top of the monster and begin to strike the drakon, but twith no avail for its scales are as hard as titanium. 

"Strike its eye!" I yell at her and she nods. She plundges her spear into one of its eye and it yelps in pain. 

The Lydian Drakon begins to thrash violently and the child of Ares loses balance and falls off the beast. I try to make my way towards her, but I am halted by a bunch dracanae. I gather my godly energy and release it, exploding the dracanae surrounding me. She is paralyzed with fear as she stares at the drakon, I shoot an arrow at it but it simply reflects off 'dammit'. 

The monster shoots out acid and begins to melt her amor, causing her to yelp in pain. "No!" I was about to reach her but it was too late because the drakon wraps around her and throws her into the air and she lands on the ground unconscious, dead. 

A bunch of other Ares' children witness this tragedy and begin charge towards the drakon in fury. I reach the child's body and tears begin to form my eyes, her courage was in vain. I take her helmet off and realize that she's no daughter of Ares, it's... Silena Beauregard! Why would she do this?!?! Someone behind me picks up Maimer and I see Clarisse fool of rage and anger, Silena was her bestfriend. 

"You damn lizard, I'm going to fucking send you right back to Tartarus!" and she charges in pure vengence, a red aura begins to surround her. She pulls the Lydian Drakon's body down with an amazing amount of strength and it loses balance. She then plunges her spear in the remaining eye with so much force that it shatters and the monster explodes in lightning. She wasn't through with it yet, because she ties the beast to the chariot. 

"Lady Artemis, will you please take Silena's body to safety" She asks me with tears streaming down and I nod. 

"Ares cabin! We charge into battle with this beast's corpse!" She rallies and they charge with a new found energy, the spirit of war. 

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