Chapter 10

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Percy POV

The hell? Neptune? One moment he's this cheerful, beautiful greek god and next he's... someone else?

"Neptune? I thought you were Poseidon?" I asked in confusion.

"Poseidon is my Greek counterpart Percy. I don't know what's going on here, but I do know that you are... boundless. You are not Greek, but then again you are not Roman either. What say you?" Neptune demands.

"I don't know what you're talking about" I responded, overwhelmed with this change of formality and tone.

"I think you do" he raises his trident and puts it above the surface of my neck. "Speak Percy, or I will detach your head from your body"

"Neptune, uhhh Poseidon! I don't know, please" I plea to him.

"Okay" he pulls back his trident and caressess my cheek and plants a kiss on it, I begin to blush. "Wow, bipolar much" I think to myself.

I push Neptune softly off me, he whines as I do. "Romans? What do you mean? Theres more than Camp Half-blood?"

"Oh yes those wretched Romans, they damn my temples and forsake the oceans. They have a city in the Western Coast of the US, in California. I don't remember where and I don't intend to know" Neptune spoke, his anger rising as he continues to speak of them.

"I guess I'll take a visit then after I take a visit of Oceanus" I tell.

"As long as you deal with that titan Oceanus, I will forever be grateful. I'll muster my troops now and head for the Olympians."he says.

"Alright, I'll meet up later." I tell him.

"Yes we will" as he takes my hand and presses a kiss. "Goodbye luv" and he flashes out.

Oh gods, how am I going to live through this. Beckendorf! I need to meet with him and tell him of my plans.


"Your going where?!?" Beckendorf gasps.

"The Sea of Monsters apparently" I repeat.

"The hell your NOT! No one returns from there Percy, I can't let you do this."

""Beckendorf, the titans and their armies are mustering upon the outskirts of Manhattan, ready to attack Olympus. We need the help of Poseidon's army."

"I know that Percy, but to go alone and face a titan all by yourself is simply being crazy"

"Don't worry about me, you need to return to the surface and tell the camp of the upcoming invasion"

"But Percy..."

"No buts Beckendorf. This is not the time to argue, Olympus is in peril. Now go!"

"Fine, but you you have to promise me that you'll return no matter what"

"Fine I promise--"

"No on the River Stynx Percy"

"I, Percy promise on the River Stynx that I will return in one piece" I say with one arm risen.

"Alright, when will you return?"

"I'll return in 3 days, in Manhattan island. Please hold Olympus by then."

"Good luck Percy" giving me a hug. Can I really be able to do this? With that he sprinted away, probably to the stables.

"Lets go Percy" I told myself and willed the water to surround me, engulfing me in a swirling pool of water and I jet forward. I can see the water floor form lines as if it is being mapped.

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