Chapter 25

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Percy POV

"Percy! Percy!" I turn to see Hazel running to me in haste, "Come with me, Leo has finished the construction of the Ophanim!"

"Are you sure?" I say shocked, "Did Leo say that himself?"

"Yes!" Hazel pulls my hand as we descend beneath to the forge, "I've already call the others, they should be there too!" 

For the past seven months this project was our only priority, everyone who was able--mortal and demigod alike--was to aid in it's construction. Leo, his siblings and the remaining children of Athena worked on the design and construction of the ship. Nico and sister Hazel were in charge of secretly mining precious metals that were to be used as material. Sadie, the children of Hecate, and the remaining magicians of the House of Life worked in ensuring the secrecy of our presence by fortifying and expanding Hecate's shroud over our base. Jason, Thalia, and I were in charge of building up the physical capabilities of our remaining forces, training them to be able to withstand whatever was to come in these months and beyond. 

The last hope of mankind was that ship, Ophanim. Named after the legendary heavenly being in the Judeo legends. Was this father's plan after all? For us to start anew? On a new Earth? May he his countenance be upon us, his favor with us. 

We enter the forge, the cave packed to the brim with the survivors; they clear a way for us to pass through, hope ever present in their eyes. 

"The Ophanim is complete, we are ready to leave this stupid rock" Leo announces crazily. 

I get to the front, gazing at the giant ship. Built with the carefully mined Celestial Bronze and Stygian Iron from below, a modern wonder. I turn to the crowd behind me, awaiting my order, "We've been preparing for months now, we are the last hope of mankind. We've sacrificed everything for this day, the blood of our kin was shed for this hope, a hope that will not die. Gather your belonging, gather your resolve, for this is the hour of our ascension. This is the hour that we become a people that will last through the ages!"

The crowds cheer, the roar of the people echoing through the walls and they rush out to get their things, preparing for the grand odyssey. 

A rare smile appears on my face, a victory finally. I turn to my friends and they too have hope in their eyes. 

"So... this is it?" Nico says.

The alarm bells go off, the red lights flash through out the area. "Everyone we've been discovered, the Elder One's army will be hear in less than thirty minutes!" The announcer screams. 

I turn to them, "Get everyone aboard, I will ensure this is completed!" 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2020 ⏰

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