Chapter 1

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6000 A.C. (After Creation)

Percy POV

"Dad what’s your name?". Chaos looked over to Percy with a warm smile.

"Chaos". My eyes grew in curiosity of the name, "Where are we?".

Third POV

They conversed for as long as Percy's thirst for knowledge continued. Percy lived in the void with Chaos and knew nothing of the outside world so he bombarded Chaos with questions of the outside world. Inside Percy yearned to experience Life, Light, and Love. 
Percy appearance is like an 8 year old child regardless of the time, for the void ages slowly.

Back To The Conversation (Percy POV)

"Come now, it's time for you to learn the art of the sword" Chaos spoke.

A smile grew on my face as I jumped with excitement. Dad is always telling me news of how the war between the Titans and the Olympians are currently going on. 
In my opinion, they should just get along like me and papa. Dad told me that the Olympians are Nephew Kronos's kids. So I don't get why they is fighting, aren't they family?

Shrugging the thought off "Yay!!!!! I'm going to be the very best sword person."

“You mean Swordsman kiddo"

“Yah that!"

"Alright let’s go to the forges and make you a sword"

I tell myself 'I'm going to make a sword! Yay!!! Its going to be the best sword ever!"

Entering the Forge

I see many of rocks, rocks shiny and dull alike. I wonder what they are.

"Dad what are these?"

"They are different kinds of metal you can use to make a sword son"

"What are they called?"

Dad points at each metal addressing the name, "Stygian Iron, Celestial Bronze, and Imperial Gold"

"So which metal do you want to use to make your sword son?"

“How about all of them! " I smile widely

Dad chuckles “Smart boy”

10 mins past

"Here you go son"

He hands me a blade in its leather sheathe. I pull it out. I am at awe.

“What are you going to call it? "

I think. " Glamdring " 
(LOTR Gandalf's sword)

"Well son, let’s teach you how to use this thing"

I sheathe the sword and follow my dad to begin my lessons.

10000 Years Later

Percy appearance is now 18 years old and the Olympians have taken the title of rulers of the Earth.

"Great job son!"

I’m panting and trying to steady my breathing. I focus dark energy to my feet as I ready my sword. I charge with lightning speed. I gather more dark energy to my left hand, forming a dark sword and I strike on both sides.

Dad forms two shields and quickly blocks my blows and raises his feet about to kick me.

Due to my increase speed I quickly jump and levitate above him. Gathering energy and centering it on my forehead, i release it and it forcefully pushes dad a kilometer away. Game over

I run towards him panicking. “Dad I'm so sorry “about to burst into tears.

"Percy that was great" patting me on the back.

"Your not mad?" straightening myself up

"Of course not, I'm so proud of you" hugging me

Suddenly the doors bust open, its Grover our messenger between the void and Earth.

"Lord Chaos, the prophecy has been sent" Panting, probably from running.

"What prophecy dad?" asking curiously

“The beginning and the end will find

as twilight moons collide

the first will meet life

and all will come to see

the world renewed or die " in a grim tone

"Dad, what does that suppose to mean?" sensing the tension in the room

"That is for you to find out, this is beyond my sight" raising his hand to signal me to come to him

I walk towards him not knowing whats going to happen. 'Whats this prophecy dad seems to be worried about'. 

"Percy, now is the hour for you to save the world" 

"What?!?!" confused. 'what the hell is dad talking about' 

"Grover get the Converger running!" he yells and grover sprints out of the room

I follow my dad "Dad what’s happening?"

"Percy, I am sending you down to Earth, your destiny lies there" he turns around and places an Adamantine bracelet on my left wrist.

"Use this when battle is upon you" a concerned looked is place across dad's face. 

We arrive in front of the Converger. "What does it do?" I ask dad

"It will teleport you to Earth (Like the Marvel's "Bifrost" in Thor), but before you go I have to tell you something..." sad expression

"Dad what wrong?"

"You will be stripped of your memory of this place, of me and who you truly are. It is for your safety, that your identity be made secret. But don't worry, your ability in fighting and the use of you powers will remain with you, but be warned Percy... control yourself." 

I'm crying "Dad I love you" 

Dad hugs me "I love you too son. Go and change the world." 

Dad summons 4 orbs of power, forming a pyramid with me inside. "Percy, your powers will be now unlocked" 

'I'm a little scared' the pyramid lifts me up and it suspends my body in the center as it expands. Suddenly it starts to rotate and energy is continually being thrown into me 'fuck!!', this stings. The pyramid rapidly converges into my soul. Im feeling the energy combine to my essence as I land to the floor. 

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