Chapter 20

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Angelina Jolie as Gaea
Percy POV

"Nothing much, of course!" I yelled out sarcastically to the team as we ran up the tower stairs, while being mercilessly hunted down by the the three gods.

"Okay, maybe I downgraded the situation a little too much." Nyx responded as she created a dark pool of liquid muck in an attempt to slow down our pursuers.

Dodging abominations ahead of us, we busted forward to the top of the tower, awaiting our upcoming attackers. "So what's the plan guys?" Artemis asked.

"I have no bloody idea" Chronos said.

"Well there almost..." Artemis was cut off as the doors were blasted open and our pursuing gods walked out. "Zues what is going on?" Artemis asked with no answer given.

"We have to knock them out" Nyx said as she conjured a dark sphere beneath their feet and it exploded knocking them forward, fazed. Before they could recover, I made a flash of light blinding them long enough for Nyx to shoot out three shadow birds which hit the gods perfectly, creating a line of thick darkness connecting the gods to Nyx, holding the enemy gods down.

Lightning shot down from above breaking the gods free and Zeus redirected the stream towards us. I then summoned a wall of light protecting us with no avail as multiple heavy-weight rockets from Hephaestus blasted through my barrier.

Hephaestus then planted a device on the floor which then began shooting missiles around the surrounding area. Poseidon and Zues stormed forward as the projected a pressurized stream of watered reinforced by an electric stream. Nyx countered with an orb of made of complete dark void, exploding as it made contact with their blast.

Chronos appeared behind Hephaestus blasting him forward and using a kinetic force he blasted him upward, which Chronos reappeared above him and blasted him with a beam of energy, sending Hephaestus crashing down. The god of time was shot down from behind by Zeus as he called a bolt of lightning down.

I was confronted with Poseidon as he shot multiple bullets of water, in which I willed the water myself to gather together in an attempt to redirect towards Poseidon but he made the water explode, knocking me backwards. Using my power over life, I summoned a thick tree roots to pull Poseidon back, restraining him as it began piercing him with tree shards.

The tree was blown into pieces as Hephaestus stormed forward in an aura of fire while wielding a heavy hammer, freeing Poseidon from my hold. In surprise, Nyx appeared out of the shadows behind them and transformed into a ball of dark flame and stampeded forward knocking the two gods down. Holding the gods down, she bind them with reinforced chains.

I turned towards Zues and sent a barrage of tree roots, which he began blasting back with his bolts. Chronos in attempt of redemption appeared in front of him and placed his left palm on his chest, pulling out what seems like Zues' life force and slamming him to the ground.

Artemis took this opportunity to shoot arrows through the gods skulls knocking them out. "Don't worry they're fine, but they'll be out for a long time."

"What do we do with them?" I asked.

"I don't know?" Artemis responded.

"Well we can't leave them hear." I said

"Lets take them to my palace and figure out what to do with them there" Nyx suggested

"Not so fast" a voice spoke and out came forth a woman armored in stone and earth, "Those are my slaves."

"Gaea, I was wondering when you would show your dry ass" Nyx responded.

"Sister no need to be so... Primal" Gaea chuckled "I see you've decided to join the losing side of this war Chronos."

"Gaea your direct intervention in this war has created a rift our divine plane, you've allowed now all the deities in this world to enter the physical realm." Chronos said

"What do you mean?" Artemis asked.

"It means that Gaea's poor choice of actions has started a war among gods" Chronos answered.

"The gods of other cultures are now able to level the playing field and exact there influence. In addition, the other gods are going to start fighting others for territory without restriction since the ancient laws have been broken" Nyx clarified.

"Indeed, many gods from the norse, egyptian, hindu, chinease , and mayan pantheons are starting to rise up, pillaging as they go" Gaea laughed.

"We have to go now" Artemis urged.

The ground began to shake and roots entangled us down "As if I'd be that easy" Gaea growled.

I used my powers to drain the life out of the roots, withering them and we broke free.

Nyx immersed herself in dark energy, ready to charge. "Artemis keep those three at bay, I don't want any suprises"

"Got it"

Nyx lunged forward projecting beams of darkness towards Gaea, but it was blocked by a wall of stone. I took this opportunity to conjure a blast of water, while Chronos sent a a ball of light breaking Gaeas wall, she was not behind it.

"Where'd she go?" Chronos said

The ground began to shake and out came Gaea beneath me blasting me into the air, losing my focus on my attack.

"Percy!" Nyx yelled as she shadow traveled to me to catch me. "Got you"

Roots entangled us and pulled us forcibly, slamming us to the ground.

I willed the water within the roots to come out and with it I lifted the both of us into the air again.

"Guys help!" Artemis yelled as she defended the bodies against hordes of abominations. Chronos swiftly charged into the fray battling against them with melee attacks and projections.

Gaea reappeared and she blasted an orb of green energy towards us. Taking my sword, I jumped forward and met the ball of energy by slicing it through. Nyx shot forward and latched herself onto me, covering me in shadows. I lunged forward ready to strike her down.

Gaea summoned a staff from the ground and readied for my attack. Our weapons clashed and I can feel the heavy weight of her weapon with each strike. I summoned water to blast up beneath Gaea, shooting her up and I leaped to meet her with my sword. She sent a beam blasting me back, in that second Nyx reappeared and pulled Gaea down to the ground with her dark chains. "These chains drain you Gaea"

"This is not over, you may have won this battle but this war is far from over" Gaea said as she dissolved into the ground.

We all regrouped "Lets go now before anymore suprises happen"

With that Nyx willed the shadows to engulf us all and into the shadows we entered, to her palace.

Percy Jackson: The First Born (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora